What are the zoning and land use restrictions in dunwoody Georgia?
Dunwoody, Georgia has a comprehensive zoning ordinance that regulates land use within the city. Here are some key points about zoning and land use restrictions in Dunwoody: The zoning ordinance divides the city into various zoning districts like residential, commercial, and agricultural, specifying permitted uses in each district. It establishes supplemental regulations for certain uses like...
Provide me a comprehensive data model for the backend of a client portal / CRM
Designing a comprehensive data model for the backend of a client portal or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system involves creating a structured database that can efficiently manage and process data related to user management, contact management, task management, sales pipeline, reporting, and interactions such as emails, calls, and transactions. This model will serve as the foundation...
datamade/second-city-zoning: 🏙 2nd City Zoning is an interactive map that lets you find out how your building is zoned, learn where to locate your business and explore zoning patterns throughout Chicago
🏙 2nd City Zoning is an interactive map that lets you find out how your building is zoned, learn where to locate your business and explore zoning patterns throughout Chicago - datamade/second-city-...