awslabs/aws-dataall: A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS.
awslabs/aws-dataall: A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS.
A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS. - GitHub - awslabs/...
awslabs/aws-dataall: A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS.
Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue | AWS Big Data Blog
Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue | AWS Big Data Blog
In our previous post, we introduced PyDeequ, an open-source Python wrapper over Deequ, which enables you to write unit tests on your data to ensure data quality. The use case we ran through was on static, historical data, but most datasets are dynamic, so how can you quantify how your data is changing and detect […]
Monitor data quality in your data lake using PyDeequ and AWS Glue | AWS Big Data Blog
Introduction - Data Analytics Lens
Introduction - Data Analytics Lens
This document describes the AWS Well-Architected Data Analytics Lens, a collection of customer-proven best practices for designing well-architected analytics workloads. The Data Analytics Lens contains insights that AWS has gathered from real-world case studies, and helps you learn the key design elements of well-architected analytics workloads along with recommendations for improvement. The document is intended for IT architects, developers, and team members who build and operate analytics systems.
Introduction - Data Analytics Lens
Build an automatic data profiling and reporting solution with Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight
Build an automatic data profiling and reporting solution with Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight
This post demonstrates how to extend the metadata contained in the Data Catalog with profiling information calculated with an Apache Spark application based on the Amazon Deequ library running on an EMR cluster. You can query the Data Catalog using the AWS CLI. You can also build a reporting system with Athena and Amazon QuickSight to query and visualize the data stored in Amazon S3.
Build an automatic data profiling and reporting solution with Amazon EMR, AWS Glue, and Amazon QuickSight
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.
The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel. - GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Wo...
GitHub - AlexzanderFlores/Worn-Off-Keys-Lambda-Tutorials: The source code for the AWS Lambda tutorials on the Worn Off Keys YouTube channel.
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How To Use AWS Secrets Manager To Auto Rotate Database Secrets
How To Use AWS Secrets Manager To Auto Rotate Database Secrets
How To Use AWS Secrets Manager To Rotate Database Secrets. In this AWS Secrets Manager demo we are are to see how to set up AWS Secrets Manager to work with an AWS RDS Database to rotate AWS Secrets. In this tutorial, you will follow the steps to create a secret for an AWS database and configure the secret to rotate on a schedule. You trigger one rotation manually, and then confirm that the new version of the secret continues to provide access. We will create a MySQL database for this aws secrets tutorial and then we will use the Secrets Manager console to create your secret and populate the secret with the initial user name and password for your MySQL database. We will then use your new secret to test the credentials and ensure you can use them to connect to your database and then setup and test the rotation. You can follow along with the instructions from this AWS Secrets Manager video here: See how to create and connect to a MYSQL database to complete step 1 of this tutorial here: AWS Database And Storage Full Playlist: Watch the full AWS SysOps Administrator/DevOPS Full Playlist: ++++++For more information on how to successfully migrate applications to the cloud read our latest book Stress Free Cloud Migration. ---------- ****For more cloud consulting inquiries email or visit Don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe if you found this video helpful! New videos added weekly. Submit video ideas in the comments below.
How To Use AWS Secrets Manager To Auto Rotate Database Secrets