No Clocks
Making Obsidian play nice with Logseq - Look what I built - Logseq
I’ve been using outliners ever since the 1980s, when I was running Dave Winer’s MORE on a MacPlus in college. I then used: Omni Outliner, Workflowy, Dynalist, and Roam Research before moving to Logseq this week. For a long time I’d wished that Obsidian had a decent workflowy-like outlining experience and when the beta desktop app for Logseq came out I saw a post saying that the two apps could work together. I now have it all set up and I’m absolutely delighted with the result. The main reason ...
Atomic notes: How to use Zettelkasten to boost your creativity and productivity
The Zettelkasten is an analog system that can be easily adapted to the digital age. Thanks to its power and simplicity, today the Zettelkasten method has been adapted to fit the workflow and information management of any creative pro.
Note taking with Obsidian
After starting to use spaced repetition more actively and being more consistent with my journaling, now I've tackled improving my note taking skills. Over the last couple of months, I've read about various note-taking methods, different approaches and diverse goals for them and they helped me change my perspective on
Getting comfortable with Obsidian CSS
While using Obsidian, if you press CTRL-SHIFT-I (option-cmd-i for mac) then it will bring up the developer window. In the developer window, at the top left is an icon with a pointer in a box. This allows you to select elements on the screen and see how to refer to them and what styles. I will occasionally update this post with more pictures of how to do stuff. You can hover over items to see what they do and then click on an item to select it. Then go down to the styles section at the bottom...
Knowledge, Innovation, Value and Wisdom
I inadvertently derailed a wonderful thread on MOCs a while back, and with the topic coming back up just now in the great thread on the IMF/LYT system, I figured I’d open this topic so as to divert any such discussion from that thread, as well as have a dedicated place to openly discuss/debate such things. This graphic largely summarizes what I was getting at in both other threads It is my sense and observation that in this PKM space (and, frankly, the general world) that people are living ...
LYT Kit (now downloadable!)
This starter kit is designed to get you immediately hands-on with ways to manage your digital notes. Experiment. Learn by doing. See what methods work for you. »» Download the LYT Kit «« Check out the LYT Kit on Obsidian Publish LYT Kit v4 Release Notes: 188 Notes Highly refactored: more “signal” less “noise” Expanded “Evergreen Notes” section. Revised Home Note Revised Home MOCs Caveats for Asperger’s and ADHD Changed acronym to LYT General clean-up Old Version: https://github.com/nick...
Meta - Alpha Plugin List (0.9.7+)
You most likely don’t need this thread to find new plugins (you should first check the community plugins page in the settings), but just in case I’ll keep updating this from time to time. If the plugins available in the community plugins page don’t fit what you need, feel free to search for existing proposals in #plugins. This a meta post to collect and share plugins that are using the new API! The old Plugin directory will be kept as an archive for the Volcano (RIP) and console hacks. Feel...