PSProfile/ at main · SCRT-HQ/PSProfilePSProfile is a cross-platform PowerShell module built for profile customization. It uses PoshCode's Configuration module to handle the layered Configuration. - SCRT-HQ/PSProfilePowerShell#powershell#config#github#shell··yesterday at 11:10 PMPSProfile/ at main · SCRT-HQ/PSProfile
Method to open any Windows 10 Apps from command line Solved - Windows 10 ForumsHi everyone, I am here to share how to open any Windows 10 Apps from command line. 1. Open Code: shell:AppsFolder 2. Find your app 3. Right click andCommand Line#cmd#cli#windows#dos#command#tips&tricks#guide#config#powershell#setup#scripting#shell#tool··Jan 18, 2021Method to open any Windows 10 Apps from command line Solved - Windows 10 Forums
Shell folder shortcuts - Windows CMD - SS64.comCommand Line#windows#shell#config··Jan 3, 2021Shell folder shortcuts - Windows CMD -