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AI-Powered Development: A Practical Guide for Software Engineers
AI-Powered Development: A Practical Guide for Software Engineers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant future technology; it’s here and it’s reshaping software engineering. Tools like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are accelerating the development…
Impact of AI on Developer Productivity: Faster development cycles: Code suggestions and automation reduce time spent on repetitive tasks. Improved code quality: AI tools identify bugs or security risks that may go unnoticed by manual reviews. Enhanced learning: Engineers can receive real-time feedback or even ask AI for code explanations to learn new patterns or frameworks.
GitHub Copilot is a game-changer for writing code. Powered by OpenAI’s Codex model, Copilot suggests lines of code based on the context of what you’re writing. It’s especially useful when you’re working with repetitive tasks or writing boilerplate code.
ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, is not just a tool for casual conversations. It can be used to ask technical questions, explain difficult code, or even generate ideas for solving specific coding problems. Developers often use it for quick consultations — whether it’s about debugging or understanding the intricacies of a particular algorithm.
AI-Assisted System Architecture and Design As AI becomes more sophisticated, it may start to play a role in designing system architectures. Currently, system design is one of the more complex tasks that engineers handle, requiring a deep understanding of the trade-offs between different architectural patterns (monolithic vs. microservices, synchronous vs. asynchronous communication, etc.). Future AI tools could help design optimal architectures by analyzing the specific needs of a project, performance goals, and scalability requirements. AI could suggest which patterns, frameworks, or technologies are best suited for a given application. It could even generate architecture diagrams, API designs, or database schemas based on historical data from similar projects. This would revolutionize system design, making it faster and more accessible to engineers of all levels. While experienced architects would still be needed to make judgment calls, AI could drastically reduce the time spent on initial design phases, especially in large and complex systems.
AI-Powered Development: A Practical Guide for Software Engineers
Table | the R Graph Gallery
Table | the R Graph Gallery
A collection of tables produced with R. Reproducible code and explanation provided using up-to-date libraries.
Table | the R Graph Gallery
Making Tables Shiny: DT, formattable, and reactable
Making Tables Shiny: DT, formattable, and reactable
Demo of popular packages for generating interactive tables suitable for Shiny apps
formattable Another nice table-making package is formattable. The cute heatmap-style colour formatting and the easy-to-use formatter functions make formattable very appealing. color_tile() fills the cells with a colour gradient corresponding to the values color_bar() adds a colour bar to each cell, where the length is proportional to the value The true_false_formatter() defined below demonstrates how to define your own formatting function, in this case formatting TRUE, FALSE and NA as green, red and black.
If you want the features of both DT and formattable, you can combine them by converting the formattable() output to as.datatable(), and much of the formattable features will be preserved.
However, one problem I had was that when using DT::datatable, missing values (NA) are left blank in the display (which I prefer), but in the converted from formattable() version, NA’s are printed. Also, color_bar columns seem to be converted to character, which can no longer be sorted numerically.
reactable Next I tried reactable, a package based on the React Table library.
Columns are customised via the columns argument, which takes a named list of column definitions defined using colDef(). These include format definitions created using colFormat.
In the end, I used DT::datatable() in my Shiny app, because I found it the easiest, fastest, and most comprehensive. I’ve been able to achieve most of the features I wanted using just DT.
Heatmap-like fill effect:
apply the formatStyle() function to the output of datatable() to set the backgroundColor for selected columns:
Abbreviate long cells
Sometimes some cells have a large amount of text that would mess up the table layout if I showed it all. In these cases, I like to abbreviate long values and show the full text in a tooltip. To do this, you can use JavaScript to format the column to show a substring with “…” and the full string in a tooltip (<span title="Long string">Substring...</span) when values are longer than N characters (in this case 10 characters). You can do this using columnDefs and pass JavaScript with the JS() function:
Really plain table Sometimes I don’t need any of the faff. Here’s how to get rid of it all:
headerCallbackRemoveHeaderFooter <- c( "function(thead, data, start, end, display){", " $('th', thead).css('display', 'none');", "}" )
datatable( my_pic_villagers, options = list( dom = "t", ordering = FALSE, paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE, headerCallback = JS(headerCallbackRemoveHeaderFooter) ), selection = 'none', callback = JS( "$('').css('border-bottom', 'none');" ), class = 'row-border', escape = FALSE, rownames = FALSE, filter = "none", width = 500 )
Making Tables Shiny: DT, formattable, and reactable
rstudio/shiny: Easy interactive web applications with R
rstudio/shiny: Easy interactive web applications with R
Easy interactive web applications with R.
Compared to event-based programming, reactivity allows Shiny to do the minimum amount of work when input(s) change, and allows humans to more easily reason about complex MVC logic.
An attractive default look based on Bootstrap which can also be easily customized with the bslib package or avoided entirely with more direct R bindings to HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
Tools for improving and monitoring performance, including native support for async programming, caching, load testing, and more.
rstudio/shiny: Easy interactive web applications with R
Shiny - Stop-Trigger-Delay
Shiny - Stop-Trigger-Delay
Shiny is a package that makes it easy to create interactive web apps using R and Python.
observeEvent() is used to perform an action in response to an event eventReactive() is used to create a calculated value that only updates in response to an event
observe() and reactive() functions automatically trigger on whatever they access observeEvent() and eventReactive() functions need to be explicitly told what triggers them
And where does isolate fit in all this? isolate() is used to stop a reaction observeEvent() is used to perform an action in response to an event eventReactive() is used to create a calculated value that only updates in response to an event
Shiny - Stop-Trigger-Delay
Problem Statement
Problem Statement
S7: a new OO system for R.
Problem Statement
August 2024 Student Housing Update
August 2024 Student Housing Update
As of August, 92.8% of beds at the core 175 universities tracked by RealPage were leased for the Fall 2024 semester.
August 2024 Student Housing Update
LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs
LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs
LIDA is a tool to automatically explore data, generate visualizations and infographics from data using large language models like ChatGPT and GPT4
LIDA | LIDA: Automated Visualizations with LLMs
Web Tool
Web Tool
Web Tool.
Web Tool
A table in my model records building valuations over time. Is it a slowly-changing dimension table or a fact fable?
A table in my model records building valuations over time. Is it a slowly-changing dimension table or a fact fable?
I'm building a data model for a report that allows users to analyze building valuations over time, and details about buildings and their current leases. I have a fact table that contains leasing
You have two fact tables that differ only in terms of granularity. Your Fact_Leases table, for example, is a fact table at the granularity of a lease. I can assume this quite safely because it appears the Lease ID column is a primary key. Each row of that table represents a lease.
On the other hand, your ?_Valuations table is a fact table at the granularity of quarter-time-building. That is, each row not only represents a building but also a quarter time period. And one way you can sort of know that this is a fact table is by understanding that if you had a date-dimension table, you could relate the two on their Quarter columns (although it would be a many-to-many relationship). Therefore, your date-DIMENSION table would be explaining the facts of your valuations. (I'd recommend, however, replacing your Quarter column with actual dates, and allow the date-dimension table to inform the quarters. That's an aside, though.)
Now, the problem of repeating valuation metrics occurs because you are trying to combine two fact tables at different levels of granularity. When you try to apply the valuations to the Fact_Leases table, which is at the granularity of lease, Power BI (or any BI tool, for that matter) can't understand how to apportion the valuation at the BUILDING level down to the LEASE level of granularity. So it just repeats. And it's important to keep this in mind when developing your reporting. No visualizations built at the context level of lease will be able to include a valuation metric because valuations exist only at a higher level of granularity.
A table in my model records building valuations over time. Is it a slowly-changing dimension table or a fact fable?
UNCHARTED DATA: Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions
UNCHARTED DATA: Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions
How to automate data collection and app deployment with GitHub Actions.
Create .Renviron file Within the get_data.R script of my repository, I extract my EIA API key from my R environment so that I can connect to the EIA API and pull the data needed for my project. In order for this to occur during my workflow, I need to create an .Renviron file within my virtual environment and store the key within that environment. - name: Create and populate .Renviron file run: | echo EIA_API_KEY="$EIA_API_KEY" >> ~/.Renviron shell: bash
UNCHARTED DATA: Automating Workflows with GitHub Actions
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
Linking an interactive plot and table together with the crosstalk package.
Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity
The goal is to link the reactable table I created to a plotly chart and provide additional filter options that control both the table and the chart.
An important note: in order to use crosstalk, you must create a shared dataset and call that dataset within both plotly and reactable. Otherwise, your dataset will not communicate and filter with eachother. The code to do this is SharedData$new(dataset).
If you expand the code below, you’ll see that the code to build a table in reactable is quite extensive. I will not go into the details in this post, but do recommend a couple great tutorials that I used to create the interactive table such as this tutorial from Greg Lin, and this from Tom Mock which really helped me understand how to use CSS and Google fonts to enhance the visual appeal of the table (see the “Additional CSS Used for Table” section below for more info).
If you have ever built something in Shiny before, you’ll notice that the crosstalk filters are very similar. You can add a filter to any existing column in the dataset. As you can see in the code below, I used a mixture of filter_checkbox and filter_select depending on how many unique options were available in the column you’re filtering. My rule of thumb is if there are more than five options to choose from it’s probably better to put them into a list in filter_select like I did with the Division filtering as to not take up too much space on the page.
For the layout of the data visualization, I used bscols to place the crosstalk filters side-by-side with the interactive plotly chart. I then placed the reactable table underneath and added a legend to the table using tags from the htmltools package. The final result is shown below. Feel free to click around and the filters and you will notice that both the plot and the table will filter accordingly. Another option is to drag and click on the plot and you will see the table underneath mimic the teams shown.
UNCHARTED DATA: Using Crosstalk to Add User-Interactivity