Unstructured | The Unstructured Data ETL for Your LLM
Unstructured helps you get your data ready for AI by transforming it into a format that large language models can understand. Easily connect your data to LLMs.
datamade/second-city-zoning: 🏙 2nd City Zoning is an interactive map that lets you find out how your building is zoned, learn where to locate your business and explore zoning patterns throughout Chicago
🏙 2nd City Zoning is an interactive map that lets you find out how your building is zoned, learn where to locate your business and explore zoning patterns throughout Chicago - datamade/second-city-...
Free HTML Email Template Builder, No-Code Editor - Postcards
Postcards is a free email template builder with a no-code editor, allowing for quick email newsletter creation. Design, develop, and collaborate all on one platform.
Design tips database design geodatabasesdesigning Geodatabase data models are designed to be used in practical application scenarios by a wide range of users. To ensure that each design is easy to understand and implement, each data model was built to support easy migration from existing data structures and has been designed to be flexible, extensible, and easily adapted by your organization. Here are a few final design tips to help you with your design implementation: Build on your existing GIS designs. Most existing database designs are suitable for moving forward. You can build on what has worked in the past and find new geodatabase capabilities that