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Creating a coding standards document
Creating a coding standards document
I work in a control systems company, where the primary work is SCADA and PLC, along with other control systems stuff. Software development is not really something the company does, apart from little
Creating a coding standards document
Package Management | Ubuntu
Package Management | Ubuntu
Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things.
Package Management | Ubuntu
cas_loss_reserve_db: CAS Loss Reserve Triangle Database in problemofpoints/reservetestr: Provides a Framework for Testing Loss Reserve Methods
cas_loss_reserve_db: CAS Loss Reserve Triangle Database in problemofpoints/reservetestr: Provides a Framework for Testing Loss Reserve Methods
Full dataset from the Casualty Actuarial Society's (CAS) loss reserving database. From the CAS website: "Our goal is to prepare a clean and nice data set of loss triangles that could be used for claims reserving studies. The data includes major personal and commercial lines of business from U.S. property casualty insurers. The claims data comes from Schedule P - Analysis of Losses and Loss Expenses in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) database." This package pulls the by line .csv files from the CAS website and creates a tidy data set. Column names were changed from the original data to make them more user friendly.
cas_loss_reserve_db: CAS Loss Reserve Triangle Database in problemofpoints/reservetestr: Provides a Framework for Testing Loss Reserve Methods
Create Python apps from scratch using Flask to build routes, serve assets, and build interactive user experiences.
How to Manage Your Time Like a Rebel
How to Manage Your Time Like a Rebel
I’ve always failed at time blocking. When I found I was in “obliger rebellion”, I found better ways to approach my work.
How to Manage Your Time Like a Rebel
The Art of Routing in Flask
The Art of Routing in Flask
Empower your Flask application to grow dynamically with intelligent routes and well-structured views.
The Art of Routing in Flask
Infrastructure as Code, Part One
Infrastructure as Code, Part One
IaC uses code to provision, configure, and manage infrastructure. In part one of this IaC miniseries, I will introduce you to the basic concepts and explain some of the benefits.
Infrastructure as Code, Part One