The Darkside of AI – Transhumanism and the War Against Humanity
In an interview in 1964, the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke stated: “The most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won’t be men or monkeys. They’ll be machines—the remote descendants of today’s computers. Now, the present-day electronic brains are complete morons. But this will not be true in another generation. They will start to
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Want to know what students think about AI and education? Check out this informative webinar where a diverse panel of students shared their viewpoints on AI i...
Learn how to leverage AI for learning. Join my Learning Drops newsletter (free): week, I distil what really works for improving r...
Math student builds fusion reactor at home with help from Claude AI and $2,000
Hudhayfa Nazoordeen, a math major at the University of Waterloo, created a mini fusor that resembles an actual tokamak and hooked it up to a humble 12kV...