Does ‘Science’ Prove Mises Wrong on Socialism? - FEE
Most Americans have been taught their whole lives that the USSR was hell on earth, but how are they to react when they’re given sources that say things like how CIA data shows that Soviet citizens lived better lives than Americans or that the Soviet Union abolished homelessness? These claims are obviously false, but skeptics of capitalism and America writ large find them enticing.
California’s $20 minimum wage is killing thousands of jobs - Washington Examiner
For eight years, Michael Ojeda delivered food for a Pizza Hut in Ontario, California, using the income he received to support his family. In December, the 29-year-old received a letter from the pizza franchise informing him that his employment was being terminated in February. The news shook him. “Pizza Hut was my career for nearly
Interactive: Unintended Consequences - Blog
According to science, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Is that also true in our economy? When policymakers and other leaders are faced with decisions, it's often easy to think something along the lines of "just do something!" But when policy is enacted to help achieve a certain outcome, it's possible that there might be unintended consequences. This interactive game from Marginal Revolution University will demonstrate to students when taking action to solve a problem, you also have to think about what ripple effect that action might have.