Personal Finance Course | Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC)
About the Course GFLEC has developed materials for a new personal finance course at an institution of higher education, with the support of the Calvin K.
Total Daily Bet Amount,10 Year Summary
Year,Month,Total Money Deposited This Year,Win/Loss this Month,Overall Profit/Loss For Year,Total Money Bet,$0.00
1,1,$0.00,$0.00,$0.00,Total Profit/Loss,$0.00
1,2,$0.00,$0.00,$0.00,% of Months with Positive Earnings,0.00%
Learning that lasts! A patented learn-by-doing approach that works best for colleges and high schools. Only program in the world where students can actually practice important financial skills such as, establishing an emergency fund, paying off a credit card, saving for retirement and paying down student loan debt. This 10-week real-time simulation teaches skills and builds habits. Also, it has a ROI over 100% because students are shown how to avoid expensive fees from banks and vendors in the
Intro to Financial Intelligence Teacher (FIT) Certification program
We are thrilled to announce the launch of FIT!💡 Gain expertise in personal finance with the FREE online F...