Is Pumpkin Spice Basic? No, It's Economics.
The return of the Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) marks the unofficial start of fall for coffee lovers and it’s usually the moment when people start noticing just how many other products have started offering pumpkin spiced versions of their original offerings.
Halloween candy sales already starting three months before Halloween - Radio Iowa
How early is too early? The 4th of July was just a few weeks ago, yet some Iowa grocery stores are already offering spooky Halloween decorations and big bags of trick-or-treat candy. Professor Peggy Stover, who directs the University of Iowa’s Marketing Institute and spent 25 years in the grocery industry, says stores are looking […]
The Economics of Christmas | INOMICS
Christmas is approaching. For many people this is a magical season, filled with songs and decorations, when you hope that all your wishes come true. Others consider Christmas to be a stressful time when you need to rush around to get presents for all your friends and family.