Personal Finance

QoD: Top financial app in the App Store: Venmo, Cash App or PayPal? - Blog
QoD: Top financial app in the App Store: Venmo, Cash App or PayPal? - Blog
Gen Z uses these payment apps the most, so you might have some inside information on which is most popular.  Answer: From (10/17/22)   Questions: Why do you think these person-to-person apps are so popular (top 3 on the list)? When do you think people find these apps most useful?  Do you have any finance apps on your phone? Why or why not?  What do you think are the most important criteria in choosing which finance apps to use?  Here are the ready-to-go slides for this Question of the Day that you can use in your classroom. Behind the numbers (Pew Research):  When asked what motivates them to use these sites or apps, users most frequently point to ease.
QoD: Top financial app in the App Store: Venmo, Cash App or PayPal? - Blog
Interactive: Mapping the Stock Market - Blog
Interactive: Mapping the Stock Market - Blog
How many S&P 500 companies are in your area and how has their stock price performed recently?  I wanted to share with you an interactive stock market map developed by Gene Natali and the folks at Troutwood that answers these questions (and many more too!) Gene was kind enough late on a Thursday night to share his perspectives on the tool. I will first point out two of the use cases that I found valuable (and there are certainly countless others!):  Click on the magnifying glass (top left margin) for the filter which allows you to create lists of top performers selecting an index (this one is ALL) and performance period (3 years below). Whatever you select here for index (S&P 500, Russell 1000, Russell 2000, Russell 3000, Nasdaq and Dow 30) and APPLY will filter the map so only the companies in the index appear too. Interesting to see GameStop as one of the top 5 performing even after a steep sell-off:  2.
Interactive: Mapping the Stock Market - Blog
Are 529s so 1999?
Are 529s so 1999?
Tax-advantaged college savings plans are not the only way to save for higher education.
Are 529s so 1999?
EconExtra: Is the Housing Market in a Recession? - Blog
EconExtra: Is the Housing Market in a Recession? - Blog
Wharton professor Fernando Ferreira explained that he doesn’t think the housing market is in a recession in a recent Knowledge@Wharton article. So what story can we tell from the data we are seeing?   EconExtra is a series of posts that go beyond the textbook, relating current events and recent developments in economics to content standards, and providing resource suggestions to help you incorporate the current events into your lessons   The Headlines Mortgage rates just surpassed 6%--double the rate from a year ago, and demand for mortgages has dropped 29% from last year (NYT). New home sales were down 30% year-over-year in July (CNN).
EconExtra: Is the Housing Market in a Recession? - Blog