Free Online Convert to glTF 2.0 - Model Converter for 3D Objects and Scene Meshes
Free online easy to use model converter for OBJ, FBX and DAE COLLADA format. glTF is the new standard for 3D game engine and AR/VR virtual augmented reality. Load fast, compress, smaller file size. Convert your 3D model to glTF now.
Developers from all over the world created digital experiments following a given theme each year to showcase what can be done with webgl and their creativity and skillset.
aframe-arcade-controls-component - A-Frame Arcade Controls Component provides keyboard controls for walking, jumping and colliding on all meshes on scene.
Will Murphy 🌹: "Artificial #VR perspective using face tracking - …" -
Artificial #VR perspective using face tracking - all #JavaScript running in the web browser. #AFrame #TrackingJS #WebXR
Real-time GPU shader editor, live-code performance tool and graphics prototyping sketchpad. 100% native GPU power on your desktop. Real-time Livecoding Code is checked, evaluated and updated in the ba…