

Custom sorting
h e x l e r . n e t | KodeLife
h e x l e r . n e t | KodeLife
Real-time GPU shader editor, live-code performance tool and graphics prototyping sketchpad. 100% native GPU power on your desktop. Real-time Livecoding Code is checked, evaluated and updated in the ba…
h e x l e r . n e t | KodeLife
Convert 3D models to GLTF
Convert 3D models to GLTF
glTF is the up and coming superstar of 3D model formats. It’s being adopted as the standard format by many 3D applications and game engines, and is especially prominent as the format of choice for web applications. Use this tool to convert from various formats to GLTF using the three.js exporter
Convert 3D models to GLTF
Excuse Me A Social Escape Tool
Excuse Me A Social Escape Tool
When it comes to communicating with people, the verbal language only 7%, the other 93% are body language and tone. But cultural background also play a big role. For example, some Europeans feel confus…
Excuse Me A Social Escape Tool
Music generation with torch-rnn
Music generation with torch-rnn
Experiments in music creation using RNN. The "classic" technic to generate music with a RNN is to aggregate songs in ABC notations and train a model on those. Since ABC notation is "just" a succession of letters and symbols we can get a lot of musical data in a text
Music generation with torch-rnn