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Convert 3D models to GLTF
Convert 3D models to GLTF
glTF is the up and coming superstar of 3D model formats. It’s being adopted as the standard format by many 3D applications and game engines, and is especially prominent as the format of choice for web applications. Use this tool to convert from various formats to GLTF using the three.js exporter
Convert 3D models to GLTF
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Cold War - Victoria and Albert Museum
Cold War - Victoria and Albert Museum
The period from the end of the Second World War to the mid 1970s was a time of great political tension and exceptional creativity. Art and design were not peripheral symptoms of politics during the Co…
Cold War - Victoria and Albert Museum
Haus-Rucker-Co were a Viennese group founded in 1967 by Laurids Ortner, Günther Zamp Kelp and Klaus Pinter, later joined by Manfred Ortner. Their work explored the performative potential of architectu…
For the production company, see superstudio (production). Superstudio was an architecture firm, founded in 1966 in Florence, Italy by Adolfo Natalini and Cristiano Toraldo di Francia. Superstudio was …