Are you deficient in these vitamins and minerals

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Are you deficient in these vitamins and minerals
Are you deficient in these vitamins and minerals
Are you deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral essential for good health? This may be surprising, but you have an almost one in three chance of being at risk. You may be wondering if this risk is really that bad. I mean, what really happens if youҲe low in one or two vitamins or minerals? The answer is that there is a lot to be concerned about. Vitamins and minerals are called ӥssentialԠfor a reason: they truly are essential for optimal health. Your body needs important nutrients to function correctly. If you are low in those nutrients, you could experience issues with your physical and mental health. A recent study showed the top five nutrients that many of us need more ofż/p 1. Vitamin B6 2. Vitamin B12 3. Vitamin C 4. Vitamin D 5. Iron Eating a nutrient-rich diet with a variety of foods can help everyone achieve their health and nutrition goals. Think you might be at risk for a nutrient deficiency? I can help. Together we can review your foods and supplements and create a plan to ensure you are on track with meeting all of your needs. Feel free to DM me or use the link in bio . Iҭ here to help! #supplements #culinarynutrition #culinarynutritionist #easymealprep #simplemeals #culinarycoach #nutritionfacts #mealpreparation #mealprepideas #healthyeatingmadeeasy #nutritiousanddelicious #happyandhealthybychoice #nutritiousanddelicious #healthyfood Access our FREE content library ======================== ӈow To Eliminate Unwanted Weight, even if Everything YouҶe Tried Before FailedԼbr / Ӈuide to the Mediterranean DietԠ ӵ-Day Sugar-Free Meal PlanԼbr / An affordable and easy plan featuring just 15 simple ingredients. 7-Day Free Menu Plan: Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) ABOUT AYMEE PEREZ ======================== Aymee Perez: Founder of Happy and Healthy by Choice and functional Nutritionist. We work with women approaching their 40ҳ that are dealing with hormone challenges such as stubborn weight gain despite no changes on the eating habits or exercise routine, brain fogs, insomnia, hot flashes, lack of energy, depression, irritability, and are tired of their doctors saying that Ӯothing is wrongԠand your tests are normal. Our personalized services help them get their life back, recover their mojo without surgeries, prescribed medications, or restrictive diets by finding the root cause(s) of whatҳ happening in the body. Happy and Healthy by Choice
Are you deficient in these vitamins and minerals