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Develop a Custom Process on WPS 52North
Develop a Custom Process on WPS 52North
52°North's Web Processing Service enables a standardized deployment of geo-processes on the web. It features a pluggable architecture for processes and data encodings.
Develop a Custom Process on WPS 52North
AtlasStyler SLD editor |
AtlasStyler SLD editor |
AtlasStyler is a user-friendly application to style geodata. The resulting styles can be saved to XML files that follow the OGC SLD/SE standard 1.0. The AtlasStyler is a "stand-alone" application, that can be used independently for any vector data. ESRI Shapefiles, OGC WFS and PostGIS datasources are supported. Automatic upload of the SLD styles to Geoserver will be possible soon.
AtlasStyler SLD editor |