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Understanding Online EMDR Therapy
Understanding Online EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy, short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a helpful way for people who've been through tough or scary experiences to cope. You can even do it online, talking to a online EMDR therapist through your computer or phone.

In EMDR, you share your feelings and memories while the therapist guides you to focus on them, often by tracking their hand movements with your eyes. It might seem unusual, but this process helps your brain handle those memories and feelings, making them less frightening.

The online option is great because you can do it from your own comfy space. Just make sure to find a licensed therapist who knows EMDR and ensure you have a safe and private spot to talk. Online EMDR is a fantastic way to get the support you need, especially if going to a therapist's office isn't possible for you.

Understanding Online EMDR Therapy