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Understanding Yourself through Jungian Therapy
Understanding Yourself through Jungian Therapy
Jungian therapy is a type of counseling that looks at the unconscious mind and how it affects our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A Jungian therapist helps you explore your dreams, symbols, and personal myths to uncover deeper meanings and understand yourself better. They believe that everyone has an inner self, called the "self," which strives for balance and wholeness. Jungian therapy focuses on integrating different parts of ourselves, including the shadow (the darker aspects) and the anima/animus (the opposite gender aspect), to achieve personal growth and transformation. Nowadays, you can even find Jungian therapy online, where sessions happen through video calls or messaging platforms, making it accessible to people from all over the world. This approach can be helpful for those seeking insight, self-discovery, and healing in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
Understanding Yourself through Jungian Therapy