ARSC Performance Bookmarks

#Video "#Biophilic Design"
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
The 2B studio is sharing a speaker event with the larger community. Lisa Heschong, author of the seminal Thermal Delight in Architecture, will be sharing her new book with us Visual Delight in Architecture. It will be discussed broadly through the trajectory of her career, and will focus on topics especially central to the 2B term including microclimates, environment, and the concept of nature.
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
Designing a City of Awe | Dr. Tim Beatley
Designing a City of Awe | Dr. Tim Beatley
From the 2020 Nature of Place Symposium, for more resources visit: Is there such a thing as a city that is designed to maximize moments of awe? In his presentation “Designing a City of Awe: Cultivating Wonder, Connection and Empathy in the Biophilic City,” Teresa Heinz Professor Timothy Beatley, Ph.D., argued for the reassessment of our built environments by examining the many experiences of awe that are brought on by nature and identifying the possibilities this raises for biophilic design. Dr. Beatley defines awe as a constellation of terms: wonder, discovery, curiosity, wildness, magic, ...
Designing a City of Awe | Dr. Tim Beatley
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Executive Producer: Stephen Kellert Producer/Director: Bill Finnegan Production Company: Tamarack Media Film Length: 60 minutes More information at Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion, but we have often designed our cities and suburbs in ways that both degrade the environment and alienate us from nature. The recent trend in green architecture has decreased the environmental impact of the built environment, but it has accomplished little in the way of reconnecti...
Biophilic Design: The Architecture of Life
Fall 2014 Lecture Series - Lisa Heschong
Fall 2014 Lecture Series - Lisa Heschong
LISA HESCHONG, HESCHONG MAHONE GROUP Daylighting Frontiers LISA HESCHONG is Vice President and Chief Building Scientist for TRC Energy Services. Located in Sacramento California, Heschong spent 30 years as a registered architect, and has devoted her career to a balance between research, writing, and building design. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and as Chair of the IES Daylight Metrics Committee. She is especially well known for her research showing a link between daylight and student performance, and she was recently awarded the Jam...
Fall 2014 Lecture Series - Lisa Heschong
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul
Award-winning architect Amanda Sturgeon doesn’t just create beautiful buildings, she strives to design sustainable spaces that connect people with nature. Inspired by a “biophilic” design strategy, which translates to “love of life,” Amanda is determined to create projects that celebrate their surrounding environment, not shut it out.From offices to schools to hospitals, Amanda and her team are finding that biophilic buildings create spaces in which people are happier, healthier, and more productive. Watch Amanda’s 2018 TEDMED Talk to learn how her design...
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul