The table below lists the default space types in Sefaira and which HVAC system is attributed to them.
We've tried to select systems that are most commonly used for that building type in that locati...
Our Degree Day Calculator is the easiest and most reliable way to calculate Heating and Cooling Degree Days. No more copy/pasting Excel data, no complicated formulas - just a single click for your specific location. Being used by architects, energy, real estate and factory managers around the world, it's safe to say that it is indeed one of the best tools available.
Climate map defining the geographic area for each weather station, which is used to determine the appropriate climate zone when evaluating a house under the EnerGuide Rating System using HOT2000. | Sustainable Building Design | Energy Modeling Software
Design sustainable buildings faster and easier with cove.tool, the leading software for sustainable building design. Our cloud-based platform uses powerful simulation and optimization tools to help architects and engineers make data-driven decisions, reduce energy consumption, and minimize environmental impact. Try cove.tool today and transform the way you design for a more sustainable future.
How to Compute Heating and Cooling Degree Days in Excel
This is the 4th video in a multi-part tutorial on how to acquire daily weather data for a specific place, caclulate monthly and annual averages, and calculate heating and cooling degree days. In this video we calculate monthly heating and cooling degree days in Excel.
Design Energy Simulation for Architects: Guide to 3D Graphics by Kjell Anderson
Design Energy Simulation for Architects book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Energy modeling calculations for urban, complex bu...
Architect’s guide to integrating energy modeling in the design process
Find out how to utilize a building energy model throughout the design process to test various design options and optimize the performance of all building typologies.
What happens to my Revit doors in Sefaira? First, it's helpful to understand what Sefaira does with your Revit model to prepare it for analysis: Sefaira constructs a smart planar model based on the...
Sefaira Support - Should I import, simplify or re-draw my geometry for Sefaira?
I have a model now how do I get it into Sefaira? One of the most asked questions is what level of geometry is required for analysis in Sefaira. More often than not, the user has an existing model a...
For the analysis, it is important to differentiate elements that act only as shading to the building vs. elements that comprise the building envelope, which will be used for the analysis in calcula...
Sefaira Support - Sefaira for Revit: Getting Started Modeling Videos
Overview This article contains multiple videos for Revit users looking to use either a brand new model or make adjustments to an existing model for use with Sefaira. Plus other tips and tricks for ...