ARSC Performance Bookmarks

#Revit #Collaboration
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
This quick video-tutorial shows how to painlessly import elevation data from grid format (.tiff, .asc, .hgt etc.) to CAD software, such as Rhino and Revit. We will be using open source QGIS software to make conversions and send data to Speckle. Rhino and Revit Speckle connectors will then import proper 3-dimentional contours into your project.
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Worksets and DropBox - how to do it without getting yourself in deep doodoo
Worksets and DropBox - how to do it without getting yourself in deep doodoo
Update******************************************************* August 2018************************************************** Enough time has time passed since the original 2011 posting that I think it is important to update things based on where we are in 2018. First, don't do this method for Workset enabled projects. The downside and likelihood of it failing is too great to justify it. And it will fail at some point. Probably two hours before a deadline and you've now lost several hours
Worksets and DropBox - how to do it without getting yourself in deep doodoo