ARSC Performance Bookmarks

Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Buying a family home is a major life milestone in many countries. But a lack of affordable housing and a desire to curb carbon footprints has led to the rise of alternative forms of accommodation, including "co-housing." Just how does this model work? And how difficult is it to get people to share their living space?
Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien Die vorgestellten Wohnprojekte in Wien entstanden aus dem Wunsch, Lebenskonzepte zu entwickeln, die den Gemeinschaftssinn stärken und zu einer solidarischen Gesellschaft beitragen – Baugruppen und partizipative Projekte,
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Embodied Carbon Benchmark Study
Embodied Carbon Benchmark Study
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Embodied Carbon Benchmark Study