Sand Wars
Sand Wars
Sand Wars is a surprising investigation into one of the most consumed natural resources on the planet. Triggered by a demand for expansive construction, the ...
Sand Wars
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul
Award-winning architect Amanda Sturgeon doesn’t just create beautiful buildings, she strives to design sustainable spaces that connect people with nature. Inspired by a “biophilic” design strategy, which translates to “love of life,” Amanda is determined to create projects that celebrate their surrounding environment, not shut it out.From offices to schools to hospitals, Amanda and her team are finding that biophilic buildings create spaces in which people are happier, healthier, and more productive. Watch Amanda’s 2018 TEDMED Talk to learn how her design...
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul
Biophilia by Edward O. Wilson
Biophilia by Edward O. Wilson
Biophilia has 701 ratings and 51 reviews. Ted said: I will be so bold as to define biophilia as the innate tendency to focus on life and lifelike process...
Biophilia by Edward O. Wilson