Future Building Design Value Explorer for Canada
ARSC Performance Bookmarks
ClimateNA is a free MS Windows software package that generates scale-free climate data for specific locations and for gridded climate data at any spatial resolution. It is developed and maintained by the Centre of Forest Genetic Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, the University of British Columbia (UBC) and sponsored by the BC Ministry of Forests. All data generated using ClimateNA are subject to the CC-BY license.
Weather files for future climate
Future weather files | Centre for Energy and the Environment | University of Exeter
Future Weather Files for BC | Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium
Climate data toolkit | Slipstream
We provide a set of future climate files for use within your energy modeling tools. Data is available for sixteen locations representing the major North American climate zones.
EnSimS Weather File Map
Irradiation data for every place on Earth. Easily accessible with Meteonorm.
Climate Change World Weather File Generator for World-Wide Weather Data – CCWorldWeatherGen