ARSC Performance Bookmarks

Heating people, not spaces
Heating people, not spaces
These days, we provide thermal comfort in winter by heating the entire air volume in a room or building, an approach that consumes a lot of fossil fuels. In this series of articles, LOW←TECH MAGAZINE focuses on our forebear’s concept of heating, which was more localized. They used radiant heat sources that warmed only certain parts of a room, creating micro-climates of comfort, and they used personal heating sources that warmed specific body parts. It would make a lot of sense to restore this old way of warming, especially since newer technology has made it much more practical, safe, and efficient. By placing heating technology in a historical context, LOW←TECH MAGAZINE challenges the high-tech approach to sustainability and highlights the possibilities of alternative solutions. Contents table: Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Spaces Insulation: First the Body, then the Home The Revenge of the Hot Water Bottle Energy Labels Oblige Frugal Homeowners to Make Unsustainable Investments How to Keep Warm in a Cool House Sunbathing in the Living Room: Tile Stoves and Other Radiant Heating Systems Heat Storage Hypocausts: Air Heating in the Middle Ages The Revenge of the Circulating Fan
Heating people, not spaces
FutuREstorative: Working Towards a New Sustainability
FutuREstorative: Working Towards a New Sustainability
This book is to further the debate on new sustainability thinking in the built environment, by bringing together a selection of short contributions from thought leaders in the UK and the rest of the world (USA, China, India, Australia, NZ, Indonesia) with an overarching narrative from the author. Although progress in sustainable solutions has been made over the past decade, the trend is still one of a woefully wasteful construction industry. This book aims to show that being ‘less bad’
FutuREstorative: Working Towards a New Sustainability
A compact edition of this landmark publication, which celebrates humanity’s ability to create buildings that for millennia have responded ingeniously to cultural and environmental conditions. There has never been a more important time to
Plants and architecture: two seemingly opposite elements. How can we combine them to plan future cities that are closer to nature? What synergies can we explore? HORTITECTURE seeks to discover the creative and construction potentials of vital plant material, and explores its applications in ecosystem services and urban food production. Learn more:
Hermann Kaufmann IZM
Hermann Kaufmann IZM
Mit dem Illwerke Zentrum Montafon ist hinsichtlich Größe und industrieller Fertigung ein Quantensprung im Holzbau gelungen. Das knapp 10.000 qm große Verwaltungszentrum setzt Maßstäbe in Vorfabrikation – und ist dabei ebenso präzise gebaut und wohnlich wie die kleinen Preziosen, für die das Vorarlberg berühmt ist. Die Publikation beschreibt die Entstehung dieses Gebäudes: Vom Einfluss des Wassers und der Topografie, von der Entwicklung der Kubatur bestimmt durch die statische Struktur des Bausystems und die einheitlichen Bedingungen für alle Arbeitsplätze, bis hin zum Wandel der Bürokultur durch die Architektur und schließlich der Einbeziehung von Kunst am Bau.
Hermann Kaufmann IZM
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien Die vorgestellten Wohnprojekte in Wien entstanden aus dem Wunsch, Lebenskonzepte zu entwickeln, die den Gemeinschaftssinn stärken und zu einer solidarischen Gesellschaft beitragen – Baugruppen und partizipative Projekte,
Bauen für die Gemeinschaft in Wien
Food Urbanism
Food Urbanism
With an increasing interest in quality of nutrition and health, urban food production has begun to occur inside the growing cities worldwide and risks to compete with other urban needs. The book introduces typologies, tools, evaluation methods and strategies, and shows the practical applications of the methods. Multiple projects illustrate solutions that augment quality via the insertion of food production entities into the urban realm.
Food Urbanism
Prefab Architecture
Prefab Architecture
"Prefab Architecture . . . is beyond theory, and beyond most of what we think we know about pods, containers, mods, and joints. This book...
Prefab Architecture