ARSC Performance Bookmarks

#Materials #materials
Demolition Atlas Switzerland
Demolition Atlas Switzerland
Every second, more than 500 kilograms of construction waste are generated throughout Switzerland. Which buildings are demolished and how much resources are lost through this process? What motivates building owners to demolish? What roles do laws and standards play? And what does this mean for our environment and our future?
Demolition Atlas Switzerland
AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit for Architects
AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit for Architects
The AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit for Architects serves to provide architects an overview and the necessary steps to be taken to reduce embodied carbon in their projects. This resource is divided into three parts, introducing the necessary steps and resources to take in reducing embodied carbon. This resource intends to empower building designers by: introducing embodied carbon and discussing its significance in furthering architects’ influence in decarbonizing the building industry. providing an understanding of measuring embodied carbon through the methodology of a life cycle assessment. equipping them with strategies to reduce embodied carbon in their own projects. incorporating additional resources for implemented strategies and tools that this resource examines.
AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit for Architects
Pharos is a tool to help scientists, researchers, and product innovators identify problematic chemicals and collaborate to find safer alternatives.
Materials Matter
Materials Matter
Knowing where our materials come from, what’s in them, how they were made, and how long they’ll persist in the environment beyond the life of a building gives us greater control over our projects and product decisions. This knowledge allows architects to set priorities and identify opportunities for innovation.
Materials Matter
BAMB - Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB2020)
BAMB - Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB2020)
BAMB - Buildings As Materials Banks (BAMB2020) - wants to increase the value of building materials, reduce waste and the use of fewer virgin resources. Dynamically and flexibly designed buildings can be incorporated into a circular economy – where materials sustain their value.
BAMB - Buildings As Material Banks (BAMB2020)