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One Earth Navigator
One Earth Navigator
Explore One Earth's global Navigator to discover your bioregion, learn about iconic species, and find critical climate and nature solution projects all over the world.
One Earth Navigator
HOT2000 Climate Map
HOT2000 Climate Map
Climate map defining the geographic area for each weather station, which is used to determine the appropriate climate zone when evaluating a house under the EnerGuide Rating System using HOT2000.
HOT2000 Climate Map
Moasure - Motion based measuring technology
Moasure - Motion based measuring technology
Moasure is a revolutionary new measuring technology that measures by sensing its position and movement in three dimensions. It uses inertial motion sensors to measure distance, height, level, angle, area and volume in a single measurement, simply by moving from one point to another.
Moasure - Motion based measuring technology
Contour Map Creator
Contour Map Creator
Go to the desired location in the map, set two markers by clicking the map to define a rectangle (or enter coordinates manually). Click the button [get data]. Then save contour map as an SVG or PNG file
Contour Map Creator
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
This quick video-tutorial shows how to painlessly import elevation data from grid format (.tiff, .asc, .hgt etc.) to CAD software, such as Rhino and Revit. We will be using open source QGIS software to make conversions and send data to Speckle. Rhino and Revit Speckle connectors will then import proper 3-dimentional contours into your project.
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Ecoregions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia - Data Catalogue
Ecoregions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia - Data Catalogue
An ecoregion is an area with major physiographic and minor macroclimatic or oceanographic variation. There are 43 ecoregion in British Columbia of which 39 are terrestrial. Ecodivsions are meant to be mapped at 1:500,000 for regional strategic planning
Ecoregions - Ecoregion Ecosystem Classification of British Columbia - Data Catalogue