Biogenic Carbon Accounting of Wood Products in Whole Building LCA | Anthony Pak (Priopta)
The Climate Conundrums of Biogenic Carbon | Geoffrey Guest | ECN Vancouver
Thermal Delight in Architecture by Lisa Heschong
Thermal Delight in Architecture book. Read 18 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Our thermal environment is as rich in cultural asso...
The Daylight Site
Refrigerant Calculator
Since the Montreal Protocol entered into force in 1989, production and consumption and thus the atmospheric occurrence of ozone depleting substances (CFC, HCFC, halons) has decreased by more than 97 percent. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) have been introduced as ODS substitutes and are mostly used as refrigerants in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector.
Designing a City of Awe | Dr. Tim Beatley
From the 2020 Nature of Place Symposium, for more resources visit: Is there such a thing as a city that is designed to maximize moments of awe? In his presentation “Designing a City of Awe: Cultivating Wonder, Connection and Empathy in the Biophilic City,” Teresa Heinz Professor Timothy Beatley, Ph.D., argued for the reassessment of our built environments by examining the many experiences of awe that are brought on by nature and identifying the possibilities this raises for biophilic design. Dr. Beatley defines awe as a constellation of terms: wonder, discovery, curiosity, wildness, magic, ...
Architect’s guide to integrating energy modeling in the design process
Find out how to utilize a building energy model throughout the design process to test various design options and optimize the performance of all building typologies.
University of Toronto Is Planning a Net-Zero Vertical Farm
Sprouting up in what used to be horizontal farmland, this is wrong on so many levels.
The Future is Rural: Food System Adaptations to the Great Simplification
The Future is Rural challenges the conventional wisdom about the future of food in our modern, globalized world. It is a much-needed reality check that explains why certain trends we take for granted are historical anomalies.
Parckfarm by Taktyk and Alive Architecture
A map of the best contemporary landscape architecture projects from around the world.
Healing Earth: An Ecologist's Journey of Innovation and Environmental Stewardship by John Todd
Healing Earth book. Read 19 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A true pioneer and respected elder in ecological recovery and sustain...
Welcome to DL-Light, Extension study daylit ambiance within SketchUp
Natural Light, Daylighting, SketchUp, Daylight Factor, Luminous autonomy, BREEAM, comfort, performance, pleasantness, solar study, Sky View Factor, SEPP65, EN17037, Rights of Light
An integrated suite of environmental analysis tools using Blender
Why an enlightened design integrates illumination
Mariana Figueiro, Light and Health Program Director at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, reveals surprising facts about the effects of light – its presence, its absence, and its patterns – on human health.
Daylighting - MIT Open Courseware
This course explores natural and electric lighting that integrates occupant comfort, energy efficiency and daylight availability in an architectural context. Students are asked to evaluate daylighting in real space and simulations, and also high dynamic range photography and physical model building.
Recycling Animal and Human Dung is the Key to Sustainable Farming
For 4,000 years, human excrements and urine were considered extremely valuable trade products in China, Korea and Japan.
Living machine
EnSimS Weather File Map
Biophilic Design
Powered by a team of urban agriculture consultants. Your source for urban and vertical farming news, business, and design.
Dynamo Basics - Training Course
Dynamo Advanced Course I
Using Revit files on Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive | Revit Products | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Information on file-based worksharing in Revit on Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, SharePoint, or Google Drive
Worksets and DropBox - how to do it without getting yourself in deep doodoo
Update******************************************************* August 2018************************************************** Enough time has time passed since the original 2011 posting that I think it is important to update things based on where we are in 2018. First, don't do this method for Workset enabled projects. The downside and likelihood of it failing is too great to justify it. And it will fail at some point. Probably two hours before a deadline and you've now lost several hours
Episode 9: Materials with David Allaway
Often overlooked in climate agreements, materials are an untapped resource when it comes to reducing emissions. In this rich and varied interview we are joined by Drawdown Advisor David Allaway to look at how we can better use materials through reducing resource use, cleaner production and better management and disposal. Materials are integral to the...
To Catch the Rain
Inspiring stories of communities coming together to harvest their own rainwater, and how you can do it too.
Urban FoodPrints
Urban Foodprints
C vs CO2 - Energy Education