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Energy Step Code
Energy Step Code
This channel hosts video material in support of the BC Energy Step Code. The BC Energy Step Code is a new opt-in provincial standard that aims to create healthier, more efficient, and more comfortable new buildings. It does so by establishing measurable energy-efficiency requirements for new construction.
Energy Step Code
Introduction to PHPP10
Introduction to PHPP10
PHPP10 is the next iteration in Passive House design tools from PHI. This introduces huge changes for the work of high-performance building designers in Australia. Join Jason Quinn, Sustainable Engineering and Luc Plowman, Detail Green for this one hour webinar introducing the key changes and improvements to the PHPP software, and some discussion of the implications in relation to PHPP modelling and design of Passive House buildings in warm and warm temperate climates. Q+A to follow.
Introduction to PHPP10
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
This quick video-tutorial shows how to painlessly import elevation data from grid format (.tiff, .asc, .hgt etc.) to CAD software, such as Rhino and Revit. We will be using open source QGIS software to make conversions and send data to Speckle. Rhino and Revit Speckle connectors will then import proper 3-dimentional contours into your project.
Import contour lines to Rhino or Revit with QGIS
Unusual places to visit in Austria - the art and architecture of Krumbach's bus stops
Unusual places to visit in Austria - the art and architecture of Krumbach's bus stops
There are some pretty unusual things to do in Austria, and we've done quite a few of them, but never did we expect to be on a tour of bus stops Krumbach, a village in the eastern region of Vorarlberg. Part modern art, part Alpine architecture the bus stops make Krumbach a cool, quirky place to visit in Austria. Read more: Music: Jazz in Paris
Unusual places to visit in Austria - the art and architecture of Krumbach's bus stops
Architecture in Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg
Architecture in Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg
If a ranking of the most significant architectural regions in the world were to be drawn up today, Vorarlberg would, without a doubt, be in the top ten. There are various ways and means for discovering the peculiarities of the Bregenzerwald's architectural and wooden culture.
Architecture in Bregenzerwald / Vorarlberg
How to Compute Heating and Cooling Degree Days in Excel
How to Compute Heating and Cooling Degree Days in Excel
This is the 4th video in a multi-part tutorial on how to acquire daily weather data for a specific place, caclulate monthly and annual averages, and calculate heating and cooling degree days. In this video we calculate monthly heating and cooling degree days in Excel.
How to Compute Heating and Cooling Degree Days in Excel
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
The 2B studio is sharing a speaker event with the larger community. Lisa Heschong, author of the seminal Thermal Delight in Architecture, will be sharing her new book with us Visual Delight in Architecture. It will be discussed broadly through the trajectory of her career, and will focus on topics especially central to the 2B term including microclimates, environment, and the concept of nature.
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
Minimizing thermal bridging through the building envelope is a key design aspect for achieving net-zero energy-ready (NZER) buildings. However, this can seem quite complicated for project teams, especially when much of the envelope is unknown during the early building design stage. Finding the optimal envelope solution for thermal performance that also incorporates architectural intent, cost savings, constructibility and durability is only achieved when the entire project team is engaged to collectively meet these goals. This playbook outlines good design practices for anticipating and dealing with thermal bridging in order to meet the expectations of the BC Energy [Step Code], Passive House or other NZER standards. The intent of this document is to provide guidance for design teams including developers, architects and consultants, to effectively tackle thermal bridging while meeting all project goals, not just thermal performance. 0:00 - Introduction 2:44 - Why does thermal bridging matter? 5:17 - How to set and achieve thermal bridging mitigation targets 9:06 - An example of thermal bridging mitigation for a multi-unit residential building 10:40 - Five tips to avoid thermal bridging pitfalls To access the playbook, check out 'Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design' on the website 'Resources' - or follow the link here:
Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
Training | An Introduction to the Passive House Planning Package (IP)
Training | An Introduction to the Passive House Planning Package (IP)
Presented by: Ed May Description: The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is a powerful tool for anyone looking to design, build or certify a Passive House project. This excel-based energy modeling software can yield tremendous insight into how our buildings are performing and can help design and construction teams identify the best pathways to a healthy, durable and low-energy project. However, along with this power comes complexity. The PHPP can often be quite intimidating to first-time users, and even experienced practitioners can easily get lost within this multifaceted tool. The comprehensive course, organized into easy to digest chapters, will introduce participants to the proper use of the PHPP within the context of a residential building project. By following along with the course, through a mix of self-paced online video tutorials and in-person sessions, participants will learn how to transform a set of architectural drawings, details and specifications into a fully fledged PHPP model. Along the way we'll also dive into the background, conventions, standards and rules which govern the use of the PHPP for Certified Passive House buildings. Additionally, we'll see how we can use the PHPP to test design iterations, evaluate building performance and gain a better understanding of the Passive House performance targets. This course is designed with the US practitioner in mind and will be conducted in English, using the IP version of the software. The course will work best for those participants who want to 'model-along' and so having a working copy of the PHPP v9.7-IP will be important, though not required. This course will be useful to anyone looking to better understand this powerful and important piece of the Passive House toolkit
Training | An Introduction to the Passive House Planning Package (IP)
Tally - Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
Tally - Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
As developers of Tally, KieranTimberlake users have unique ways of streamlining Tally workflows to make the integration of LCA with Revit as easy as possible. In this webinar we will share our favorite tricks with Tally, some even going beyond LCA specific applications by demonstrating how Tally can be a helpful tool for quality assuring a Revit model. This webinar is perfect for streamlining how new users work in Tally and enabling experienced users to get the most out of the software.
Tally - Tips, Tricks, and Hacks
6* Quick study modeling - Revit
6* Quick study modeling - Revit
This video shows how to create quick STUDY MODELS to analyse the performance implications of design ideas. This can be the quickest way to get answers to your questions in Sefaira. It gives you full understanding of the model and matches the level of other inputs that you will enter.
6* Quick study modeling - Revit