BC Housing Thermal Bridge Database
Rethinking Window Size - GreenBuildingAdvisor
The size of a home's windows impacts the building's energy efficiency, utilities costs, and carbon output--so smaller is better.
What really matters in multi-storey building design? A simultaneous sensitivity study of embodied carbon, construction cost, and operational energy
Buildings account for over one-third of global emissions and energy use. Meeting climate pledges will require achieving high operational energy effici…
Energy Step Code
This channel hosts video material in support of the BC Energy Step Code. The BC Energy Step Code is a new opt-in provincial standard that aims to create healthier, more efficient, and more comfortable new buildings. It does so by establishing measurable energy-efficiency requirements for new construction.
Energy Step Code
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 2: Meeting the BC Energy Step Code by Design - Research Centre - BC Housing
Explain to team members and clients the basic considerations for designing and building to Step 3 and beyond, including for future climate readiness, market expectations, cost, diverse building types, and future code readiness.
Qualitatively assess a building’s likelihood of meeting the performance requirements of the BC Energy Step Code based on its design.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 4: Building Envelope Options for the BC Energy Step Code - Research Centre - BC Housing
This video introduces builders to the different options they have to achieve higher performance levels when it comes to the building assemblies and their interfaces.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 7: Building Envelope Quality Assurance and Quality Control - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module focuses firstly on building envelope details that are more commonly associated with performance issues. Viewers will then learn about quality assurance and control of the air barrier, and diagnosis and repair of the air barrier with the assistance of air tightness testing.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 6: Mechanical Systems for the BC Energy Step Code - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module discusses correct design and construction steps for heating, cooling and ventilation systems used in Energy Step Code homes.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 1- Overview and Requirements - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module sets the groundwork for the overall design and compliance process. It shares the motivation behind this evolution towards performance-based code. It is not intended to cover design principles for the BC Energy Step Code (covered in Module 2).
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 3: Building Science for the BC Energy Step Code - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module builds on basic building science principles and applies them to the evolving/emerging enclosure design and construction practices required to meet the "envelope first" approach. This video is not intended to cover all foundational concepts and terms but offers important ideas to support.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 8: BC Energy Step Code Project Management - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module presents ways in which the builder can manage the project, in cooperation with the rest of the project team and the trades, to achieve the expected performance levels.
BC Energy Step Code Mandatory Builder Training. Module 5: Air Barriers for the BC Energy Step Code - Research Centre - BC Housing
This module discusses the different options that builders have when selecting an air barrier approach, and the important planning steps associated with a successful air barrier.
A Resource For The Design Of Zero-Carbon, Adaptable And Resilient Built Environments World Wide
TEUI Calculator
This TEUI Calculator helps you determine the Total Energy Use Intensity of a building or home.
Thermal Conductivities of Building Materials (Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Baumaterial)
Use Google Translate for English version. Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Isolierung und Dämmstoff, Mauerwerk und Sonstiges in Tabellenform aufgeführt.
Appliance modelling guide
How Sustainable is PV solar power?
Almost all solar PV panels are now produced in China, where the electric grid is about twice as carbon-intensive and about 50% less energy efficient than in Europe.
U-value to R-value to RSI converter (ubakus.com)
Convert your U-value to R-value or RSI and vice versa
Perkins & Will Report: Thermally Broken Balconies
No Description.
City of Vancouver Passive Design Toolkit for Large Buildings
Passive House Climate Data Tool
How to Compute Heating and Cooling Degree Days in Excel
This is the 4th video in a multi-part tutorial on how to acquire daily weather data for a specific place, caclulate monthly and annual averages, and calculate heating and cooling degree days. In this video we calculate monthly heating and cooling degree days in Excel.
Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
Minimizing thermal bridging through the building envelope is a key design aspect for achieving net-zero energy-ready (NZER) buildings. However, this can seem quite complicated for project teams, especially when much of the envelope is unknown during the early building design stage.
Finding the optimal envelope solution for thermal performance that also incorporates architectural intent, cost savings, constructibility and durability is only achieved when the entire project team is engaged to collectively meet these goals.
This playbook outlines good design practices for anticipating and dealing with thermal bridging in order to meet the expectations of the BC Energy [Step Code], Passive House or other NZER standards. The intent of this document is to provide guidance for design teams including developers, architects and consultants, to effectively tackle thermal bridging while meeting all project goals, not just thermal performance.
0:00 - Introduction
2:44 - Why does thermal bridging matter?
5:17 - How to set and achieve thermal bridging mitigation targets
9:06 - An example of thermal bridging mitigation for a multi-unit residential building
10:40 - Five tips to avoid thermal bridging pitfalls
To access the playbook, check out 'Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design' on the ZEBx.org website 'Resources' - or follow the link here: https://www.zebx.org/playbook-dealing-with-thermal-bridging-in-net-zero-energy-ready-building-design/
Software for thermal bridge calculation. Suitable for energy efficiency rating. Calculates PSI value and mold risk. Building physics energy analysis: Isotherms, streamlines, surface temperature, UF-value, UTJ value, USB value of PSI-edge value.
Mold Simulator
HTflux – the smart building physics software HTflux is an innovative software to for two-dimensional
Numfem is a software editor for mathematical and thechnical analysis inside BIM.