Sky View Analysis
Index, Welcome to DL-Light, Extension study daylit ambiance within SketchUp
Natural Light, Daylighting, SketchUp, Daylight Factor, Luminous autonomy, BREEAM, comfort, performance, pleasantness, solar study, Sky View Factor, SEPP65, EN17037, Rights of Light
Shadow Analysis Plug-in for SketchUP
It is a presentation of the SketchUp plug-in for analyzing daylight conditions. For more info please visit
Custom Illuminance Grids in Revit for Lightstanza
How do I create illuminance grids in Revit for upload into LightStanza?
Visual Delight in Architecture: Daylight, Vision and View by Lisa Heschong
Visual Delight in Architecture book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Visual Delight in Architecture examines the many ways that...
Lisa Heschong - Visual and Thermal Delight in Architecture
The 2B studio is sharing a speaker event with the larger community. Lisa Heschong, author of the seminal Thermal Delight in Architecture, will be sharing her new book with us Visual Delight in Architecture. It will be discussed broadly through the trajectory of her career, and will focus on topics especially central to the 2B term including microclimates, environment, and the concept of nature.
LightStanza Overview
Overview of LightStanza's Electrical Light Modeling Capabilities. Revit, CAD, SketchUp, Rhino Workflows
How much light/lux do plants need?
Lux is an important light meausrement but how beneficial is it for plants? Here's what you should know about lux for plants!
LightStanza Plugins
LightStanza general workflow help guides
Project Stasio
Design Energy Simulation for Architects: Guide to 3D Graphics by Kjell Anderson
Design Energy Simulation for Architects book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. Energy modeling calculations for urban, complex bu...
Thermal Delight in Architecture by Lisa Heschong
Thermal Delight in Architecture book. Read 18 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Our thermal environment is as rich in cultural asso...
The Daylight Site
Welcome to DL-Light, Extension study daylit ambiance within SketchUp
Natural Light, Daylighting, SketchUp, Daylight Factor, Luminous autonomy, BREEAM, comfort, performance, pleasantness, solar study, Sky View Factor, SEPP65, EN17037, Rights of Light
Why an enlightened design integrates illumination
Mariana Figueiro, Light and Health Program Director at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, reveals surprising facts about the effects of light – its presence, its absence, and its patterns – on human health.
Daylighting - MIT Open Courseware
This course explores natural and electric lighting that integrates occupant comfort, energy efficiency and daylight availability in an architectural context. Students are asked to evaluate daylighting in real space and simulations, and also high dynamic range photography and physical model building.
Lightstanza Daylighting Analysis - Revit PlugIn - Tutorial with Harshul Singhal
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Lightstanza Daylighting Analysis - LEED v4 - Tutorial with Harshul Singhal
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
A09 Daylighting Simulation at Four Architecture Firms
How do firms start a daylight simulation program in-house, how do they run it, integrate with project schedules, and use it to make better design decisions? Leading practitioners within four architecture firms will answer each of these in a rapid fire session that shows how great spaces get designed, informed by daylight simulation. In addition, LMN Architects, Mahlum, Callison, and Skidmore, Ownings and Merrill will each present case studies showing how daylight simulation was an integral part of the design discussion and decisions. Successful daylight simulation requires a balance between...
The New IES-Approved Daylight Metrics - AIA San Francisco IBPSA Webinar
A presentation of the new daylight metrics to quantify the daylighting in the built environment by Mudit Saxena
Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design by Pablo M La Roche
Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. The energy used to operate buildings is one of the mos...
Six Metrics Every Architect Should Know (And How to Use Them)
How is building performance measured? Here are six metrics every architect should know how to use.
Fall 2014 Lecture Series - Lisa Heschong
LISA HESCHONG, HESCHONG MAHONE GROUP Daylighting Frontiers LISA HESCHONG is Vice President and Chief Building Scientist for TRC Energy Services. Located in Sacramento California, Heschong spent 30 years as a registered architect, and has devoted her career to a balance between research, writing, and building design. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and as Chair of the IES Daylight Metrics Committee. She is especially well known for her research showing a link between daylight and student performance, and she was recently awarded the Jam...
How Your Circadian Rhythm Tunes Your Health: Satchin Panda at TEDxYouth@SanDiego 2013
Learn how your biological clock or circadian rhythm tunes physiology, metabolism and brain function. Dr. Satchin Panda's research shows thousands of genes in...
Experience architectural projects within just a click! Our real-time rendering now supports virtual reality with Oculus Rift & HTC Vive. Download here.
Daylighting, Architecture and Health
Daylighting, Architecture and Health has 2 ratings and 0 reviews. Daylighting, Architecture and Health examines the relationship between natural light in...
Light: Medicine of the Future: How We Can Use It to Heal Ourselves NOW
Light has 82 ratings and 8 reviews. ♥ Ibrahim ♥ said: His hypothesis is that the body emits energy, the body gives off light, and by changing the way in ...