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Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Buying a family home is a major life milestone in many countries. But a lack of affordable housing and a desire to curb carbon footprints has led to the rise of alternative forms of accommodation, including "co-housing." Just how does this model work? And how difficult is it to get people to share their living space?
Co-housing: a green alternative to the family home? | DW | 17.12.2021
Episode 40 - Nature Detachment and Ecocide, or... the Story of the Marauding Mountain Lion
Episode 40 - Nature Detachment and Ecocide, or... the Story of the Marauding Mountain Lion
May 5, 2021 Velcro pants and legs. Booster rockets and spacecraft. Humans and nature. What do these three pairs have in common? They’re all things that get detached from one another. That’s right, we modern humans seem hellbent on detaching ourselves from nature, despite the obvious fact that we evolved to spend our days and […]
Episode 40 - Nature Detachment and Ecocide, or... the Story of the Marauding Mountain Lion
Episode Nineteen: What if we rewrote the National Curriculum based on permaculture principles? by Rob Hopkins
Episode Nineteen: What if we rewrote the National Curriculum based on permaculture principles? by Rob Hopkins
By now, in this journey into 'From What If to What Next', it is clear that one of the key things in our world in 2021 that needs reimagining is our education system. In this episode, we explore how it might be if at the heart of that reimagining were permaculture principles. How would the underpinning of the National Curriculum with permaculture principles affect both what is taught, and how it is taught? Imagine a generation leaving school skilled in a diversity of practical sustainability skills, as well as being instinctive systems thinkers. After you've heard this conversation, anything...
Episode Nineteen: What if we rewrote the National Curriculum based on permaculture principles? by Rob Hopkins
Episode 9: Materials with David Allaway
Episode 9: Materials with David Allaway
Often overlooked in climate agreements, materials are an untapped resource when it comes to reducing emissions. In this rich and varied interview we are joined by Drawdown Advisor David Allaway to look at how we can better use materials through reducing resource use, cleaner production and better management and disposal. Materials are integral to the...
Episode 9: Materials with David Allaway