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Mac 利器 Hammerspoon 使用指南 - forecho's Blog
Mac 利器 Hammerspoon 使用指南 - forecho's Blog
引言 今天要给大家分享的是一款 Mac 利器 Hammerspoon,通过编写 Lua 脚本可以让这款软件实现以下功能 管理窗口大小以及位置 软件启动器 给特定的软件设置中/英文输入法 你甚至可以通过编写代码实现 休眠状态关闭蓝牙功能 连上公司 Wi-Fi 自动静音 …… 接下来详细讲解如何实现以上功能。不会 Lua?没关系,只要你有一点点编程经验,代码看起来都不是问题。
Mac 利器 Hammerspoon 使用指南 - forecho's Blog
Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua. Making the runtime, funtime.
Apple ID
Apple ID
Apple ID
aahung/Unshaky: 解决按键连击的问题
aahung/Unshaky: 解决按键连击的问题
A software attempt to address the "double key press" issue on Apple's butterfly keyboard [not actively maintained] - aahung/Unshaky: A software attempt to address the &amp...
aahung/Unshaky: 解决按键连击的问题
App Cleaner & Uninstaller
App Cleaner & Uninstaller
App Cleaner & Uninstaller 是一款免费工具,可以完全安全地删除 Mac 上的应用程序。 卸载程序并删除已删除应用程序的剩余部分。
App Cleaner & Uninstaller
Tomito - 番茄钟
Tomito - 番茄钟
Tomito is a simple Pomodoro timer that helps you to focus on your work and get things done. Break up your work into sessions, take breaks, and track your success.
Tomito - 番茄钟
Xclient - 精品MAC应用分享
Xclient - 精品MAC应用分享
Xclient - 精品MAC应用分享
stats - 系统监控数据展示
stats - 系统监控数据展示
macOS system monitor in your menu bar. Contribute to exelban/stats development by creating an account on GitHub.
stats - 系统监控数据展示
‎Unsplash Wallpapers - 自动更换壁纸
‎Unsplash Wallpapers - 自动更换壁纸
‎A breathtaking photo for your desktop wallpaper, every day. Unsplash is the world’s premier platform for HD photography. Millions of submitted photos have been narrowed down to the absolute best by the Unsplash community. Today, you get to enjoy the fruits of our labor. From space pics taken by NA…
‎Unsplash Wallpapers - 自动更换壁纸
Raycast - 启动器Alfred
Raycast - 启动器Alfred
Raycast lets you control your tools with a few keystrokes. It’s designed to keep you focused.
Raycast - 启动器Alfred
uPic - 文件快捷上传OSS
uPic - 文件快捷上传OSS
📤uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS. - gee1k/uPic: 📤uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS.
uPic - 文件快捷上传OSS
Shottr - 截图工具
Shottr - 截图工具
Free Mac screenshot app that allows you to zoom in, measure things and pick colors.
Shottr - 截图工具
Hidden Bar - 收起你的菜单栏的众多 icon
Hidden Bar - 收起你的菜单栏的众多 icon
An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons - dwarvesf/hidden: An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
Hidden Bar - 收起你的菜单栏的众多 icon
MacWk - 精品mac软件下载
MacWk - 精品mac软件下载
MacWk - 精品mac软件下载