I want to post more to the blog, and I want to share it out a bit more. There's an indeiweb concept called POSSE, which means Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. So lets write a script that pulls down my feed, looks as what I've posted so far on Mastodon, and prompts me to share something.
Setup Lets start our publish.rb script with some boilerplate fun, including some inline gems so we don't need to cart a Gemfile around all the time.
Today we’re thrilled to announce the winners of our fifth annual Gems of the Year awards! After our panel narrowed down the selection and the community voted on...
Using Caddy to keep certificates renewed - Wiki - Caddy Community
You can use Caddy as an automated certificate manager to keep certificates renewed without having to run an HTTPS server [1]. This way, the certificates can be used by other programs that need them. Caddy’s tls app can be configured without the need for an HTTP server. It can keep certificates renewed. Without additional configuration, assets (certificates, keys, and metadata) are stored in a data directory on the local file system at a location dependent upon your OS. The simplest form is to ...
How to Install and Use Neo4j Graph Database on Debian 12
Neo4j is a high-performance graph database management system for graph storage, data science, ML, analytics, and visualization. In this tutorial, wel...
I thought i was done with this series, but there are a few loose ends that I think we can clear up pretty quickly. The most important of which is Audit Logging, because what is the point of a secure secrets tool if you don’t track who does what (or most importantly, fails to do what) with it. Lets jump in!
Enabling audit logs Enabling audit logging requires you to tell the vault server that it should use one of the audit “device types” that it offers with the required parameters.
Cloudflare offers a powerful tunneling service that allows for a host on a private network to expose a service but retain protection using cloudflares’ powerful CDN tools. At the time of this post that service is a legacy IP first service, but with one minor tweak it can operate with IPv6-only hosts. Meaning one can provision an IPv6-only host, but provide a dual stacked service. If that sounds powerful, that’s because it is.
Linux: From supercomputers to smartphones. Explore the open source OS powering innovation. Discover popular distros like Ubuntu and Fedora. Learn why Linux matters.
How to Use Custom Data Types in PostgreSQL | Abdul Wahab Junaid
In PostgreSQL, you can create custom data types to represent specific kinds of data that aren't covered by the built-in data types. Here's a guide on how
Introduction Two blogs in one year. Who do I think I am? In all seriousness, thank you for all the feedback on the previous blog. As always, it really means a lot. This one might go a bit sideways, but building something like this has always been on my mind, and I got another spark to get it done while attending AutoCon2.
I caught the first half of a talk by Mircea Ulinic from Digitial Ocean.
At the recent 38C3 conference in Germany, someone gave a talk about sending TOSLINK digital audio over fiber optic networks rather than the very low-end short distance fibre you’ll find behin…
Enabling EVPN termination with Podman pods as systemd units
Quick Recap Link to heading This is a follow up to my lengthy EVPN series. In my last post I demonstrated how I managed to have EVPN termination inside Kubernetes nodes, hosting FRR inside a regular network-namespaced pod interacting with the host via BGP through veth pairs.
Overcoming the limitations Link to heading I also described how running inside a pod is limiting this architecture and prototype to serve the node’s main interface, because of the chicken egg-y issue of needing the underlay network to allow each node to reach the API server, while at the same time the configuration required to establish the underlay must be retrieved from the API server itself.
Abstract Now that we have a Vault, with a TLS Issuing CA, and some idea of how to get certs out of it, lets look at how we can use this in a “real” world scenario to put a valid TLS profile onto a Network Appliance (fancy word for a switch I guess).
Why did I say appliance, and not Router or Switch? Weeeeeell, think about it. You manage a lot of network stuff over HTTPS protocols these days, even when its not actually a web interface you are using to do it.
ntopng - A Web-Based Network Monitoring and Security Tool
ntopng (short for ntop) is an open-source network traffic monitoring tool that provides a user-friendly web interface to monitor network activity in real-time.
Thirty Years Later, The Windows 3.1 Video Driver You Needed
Over the course of the 1990s we saw huge developments in the world of PC graphics cards, going from little more than the original IBM VGA standard through super VGA and then so-called “Window…