Science and space exploration

#gravity #physics #spacetime
Chapter 1-4: Rethinking General Relativity as 5 Dimensions of Physics - A Unifying Theory of Gravity
Chapter 1-4: Rethinking General Relativity as 5 Dimensions of Physics - A Unifying Theory of Gravity
Many scientists have postulated that we need more dimensions to explain our observations in physics. The problem has been "Where are they?" This is my proposal of a different way of thinking about dimensions so we can perceive them, measure them, and incorporate them into our understanding of physics. For this video, I focus on a fifth dimension of space and General Relativity. Below is a chapter outline of the video so you can skip around as needed, and at the bottom here is a list of videos I reference for further education. A special "thank you" to my daughter who has spent the last 8 months diligently helping me put this together with editing, animations, and a lot of insight and feedback (she makes a few cameo appearances). 00:00:00 Teaser 00:00:27 Introduction 00:02:32 - Current Theories of Extra Dimensions 00:04:20 - My Proposal 00:05:36 - Setting Expectations 00:07:03 - "Thank You" to YouTube Science Content Creators 00:08:35 Chapter 1: Dimensional Concepts 00:09:38 - Dimensional Concept 1: Dimensional Stacking 00:10:11 - Dimensional Concept 2: Distance Difference 00:10:37 - Dimensional Concept 3: Dimensional Observation 00:11:21 - Dimensional Concept 4: Dimensional Geometry 00:11:59 - Dimensional Concept 5: Space vs Objects 00:12:36 - Dimensional Concept 6: Limited Dimensions 00:13:45 - Dimensional Concept 7: Distribution of Energy 00:15:11 Chapter 2: Gravity Misconceptions 00:17:50 - Misconception 1: "Gravity is a force" 00:19:25 - Misconception 2: "We 'fall' towards the Earth" 00:22:23 - Misconception 3: "The speed of light is always constant" 00:25:42 Chapter 3: The Fifth Dimension 00:26:52 - A 2D Example of Extra Dimensional Space 00:29:09 - Gravity as a 4th Dimension of Space 00:30:16 - A Bowling Ball in a Box of Jello 00:31:57 - Using 3D Space to Measure the 4th 00:33:14 - Killing "Space-Time" 00:34:12 - How to Perceive Five Dimensions 00:35:30 - The "Shape" of the 4th Spatial Dimension 00:38:39 Chapter 4: Rethinking General Relativity 00:41:20 - Counting Five Dimensions with Spatial Geometry 00:50:03 - Relating 5D to General Relativity 00:51:23 - Gabriel's Hole and the Problems with Math 00:54:34 - No More "Curved Space" 00:55:02 - Rethinking Black Holes 00:55:37 - What the Gravitational Constant Actually Represents 00:58:19 - Ramifications of Five-Dimensional Space 00:59:05 - Conclusion and What Comes Next 01:01:43 Outtakes Some Great Science Content Creators on YouTube: 3Blue1Brown - @3blue1brown Fermilab - @fermilab Minute Physics - @MinutePhysics Parth G - @ParthGChannel Sabine Hossenfelder - @SabineHossenfelder Science Asylum - @ScienceAsylum Up and Atom - @upandatom Veritasium - @veritasium Catch Up or "Refresh" Yourself on Special and General Relativity: Understanding Why General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Don't Get Along: Veritasium Explains Why Gravity is Not a Force Fermilab Explains Gravitational Lensing (Light and Gravity) Science Asylum Explains C vs Speed of Light Minkowski Space-Time (Special Relativity) Explained: Up and Atom Explains The Painter's Paradox (Gabrielle's Horn):
Chapter 1-4: Rethinking General Relativity as 5 Dimensions of Physics - A Unifying Theory of Gravity