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MCP-1 is increased in patients with CFS and FM, whilst several other immune markers are significantly lower than healthy controls
MCP-1 is increased in patients with CFS and FM, whilst several other immune markers are significantly lower than healthy controls
The role of the immune system in fibromyalgia
MCP-1 is increased in patients with CFS and FM, whilst several other immune markers are significantly lower than healthy controls
The widespread myofascial pain of fibromyalgia is sympathetically maintained and immune mediated
Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency in a University Immunology Practice - PubMed
Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency in a University Immunology Practice - PubMed

Many participants had fibromyalgia in this study, and had fatigue and exercise intolerance. Study points to underlying metabolic disease.

Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase Deficiency in a University Immunology Practice - PubMed
Metformin and caloric restriction induce an AMPK-dependent restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction in fibroblasts from Fibromyalgia patients
Metformin and caloric restriction induce an AMPK-dependent restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction in fibroblasts from Fibromyalgia patients
Suggests metabolic syndrome involvement and mitochondrial dysfunction in fibromyalgia development
Metformin and caloric restriction induce an AMPK-dependent restoration of mitochondrial dysfunction in fibroblasts from Fibromyalgia patients
Evidence of both systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia patients, as assessed by a multiplex protein panel applied to the cerebrospinal fluid and to plasma - PubMed
Evidence of both systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia patients, as assessed by a multiplex protein panel applied to the cerebrospinal fluid and to plasma - PubMed
Yes; and evidence can be found in cerebrospinal fluid, so we know there is neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia.
Evidence of both systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia patients, as assessed by a multiplex protein panel applied to the cerebrospinal fluid and to plasma - PubMed
Norepinephrine-evoked pain in fibromyalgia. A randomized pilot study [ISRCTN70707830]
Norepinephrine-evoked pain in fibromyalgia. A randomized pilot study [ISRCTN70707830]
Norepinephrine-evoked pain was seen in 80 % of FM patients (95% confidence intervals 56.3 – 94.3%), in 30 % of rheumatoid arthritis patients and in 30 % of healthy controls (95% confidence intervals 11.9 – 54.3) (p < 0.05). Intensity of norepinephrine-evoked pain was greater in FM patients (mean ± SD 2.5 ± 2.5) when compared to rheumatoid arthritis patients (0.3 ± 0.7), and healthy controls (0.3 ± 0.8) p < 0.0001.
Norepinephrine-evoked pain in fibromyalgia. A randomized pilot study [ISRCTN70707830]
Modulating the immune response with the wake-promoting drug modafinil: A potential therapeutic approach for inflammatory disorders - PubMed
Modulating the immune response with the wake-promoting drug modafinil: A potential therapeutic approach for inflammatory disorders - PubMed
This would explain why the isomer of modafinil that I take, armodafinil, greatly reduces my pain
Modulating the immune response with the wake-promoting drug modafinil: A potential therapeutic approach for inflammatory disorders - PubMed