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Serotonin's Effect on Blood Vessels in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS
Serotonin's Effect on Blood Vessels in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS
Learn how serotonin's effect on blood flow may be causing some of your fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms.
In ME/CFS and to a lesser degree in FMS, some research has shown low blood volume,
cells that are starving for oxygen and nutrients
One of the most consistent findings in FMS is low serotonin
Serotonin's Effect on Blood Vessels in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS
Faster, simpler diagnosis for fibromyalgia may be on the horizon
Faster, simpler diagnosis for fibromyalgia may be on the horizon
Finger prick test developed at Ohio State University.
When the researchers then entered blinded blood samples into the same machinery, each condition was accurately identified based on its molecular patterns. "It separated them completely, with no misclassifications," Buffington said. "That's very important. It never mistook a patient with fibromyalgia for a patient with arthritis. Clearly we need more numbers, but this showed the technique is quite effective." The researchers also analyzed some of the potential chemicals that could someday function as biomarkers in the fibromyalgia blood samples, but further studies are needed to identify the molecules responsible for the spectral patterns, he said.
common link exists among these types of diseases, and that they might have origins in the central nervous system.
d interstitial cystitis (IC). This syndrome also occurs in humans. It turns out that the origins of IC, like such human disorders as irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia,
Faster, simpler diagnosis for fibromyalgia may be on the horizon
Association of fibromyalgia with altered skeletal muscle characteristics which may contribute to postexertional fatigue in postmenopausal women - PubMed
Association of fibromyalgia with altered skeletal muscle characteristics which may contribute to postexertional fatigue in postmenopausal women - PubMed
Peripheral mechanisms, i.e., altered muscle fiber size distribution and decreased capillary density, may contribute to postexertional fatigue in FM. Understanding of these defects in fibromyalgic muscle may provide valuable insight with regard to treatment.
greater variability in fiber size and altered fiber size distribution
capillary density was lower in the FM group
However, self-reported fatigue and pain were correlated with prolonged loss of strength following 12 minutes of recovery in patients with FM.
Association of fibromyalgia with altered skeletal muscle characteristics which may contribute to postexertional fatigue in postmenopausal women - PubMed
Increased interstitial concentrations of pyruvate and lactate in the trapezius muscle of patients with fibromyalgia – a microdialysis study
Increased interstitial concentrations of pyruvate and lactate in the trapezius muscle of patients with fibromyalgia – a microdialysis study
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the interstitial concentrations of pyruvate, lactate...
Significantly higher interstitial concentrations of pyruvate and lactate were found in patients with fibromyalgia­ syndrome. The multivariate regression analyses of group membership and pressure pain thresholds of the trapezius confirmed the importance of pyruvate and lactate.
Increased interstitial concentrations of pyruvate and lactate in the trapezius muscle of patients with fibromyalgia – a microdialysis study
Low Energy Production and Pain in Fibromyalgia - Is Your Microcirculation To Blame? - Health Rising
Low Energy Production and Pain in Fibromyalgia - Is Your Microcirculation To Blame? - Health Rising
Exercise is highly recommended as an adjunct therapy in fibromyalgia. We’re not talking about pounding the pavement, however. A 2010 review of exercise studies found that ‘slight to moderate’ intensity aerobic exercise sessions done two to three times a week worked best, and that appropriate levels of exercise result in improved […]
At least as early as 2006, researchers suggested that muscle ischemia (low blood flows) both during and after exercise could be causing pain in FM and driving the central sensitization found
Indeed, some research suggests the normal muscle recruitment is not occurring in FM
Problems with the microcirculation could, therefore, be contributing to the aerobic energy problems, pain, and weakness found in FM.
Low Energy Production and Pain in Fibromyalgia - Is Your Microcirculation To Blame? - Health Rising
Dietary supplementation evening primrose oil improve symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome
Dietary supplementation evening primrose oil improve symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome
Evening primrose oil (EPO) is widely used as a dietary supplement from which beneficial effects have been reported in rheumatic and arthritic conditio…
oxidative stress hypothesis
Although very few studies have shown elevated cytokine levels in FMS, the data available suggest that a high chemokine level may play a causative role in this disease
A review of the FMS literature and related studies suggest that IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8 are deregulated in the syndrome. Therefore, therapies directed against these cytokines and others may be of potential importance in the management of FMS
Dietary supplementation evening primrose oil improve symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome
Understanding the Chain Reaction that Causes Fibromyalgia: FibroManual Book Talk #1-
Understanding the Chain Reaction that Causes Fibromyalgia: FibroManual Book Talk #1-
A casual update and refresher on what we know about the cause of fibromyalgia as I describe in my book The FibroManual: A Complete Fibromyalgia Treatment Guide for You and Your Doctor This is a recording of a live webinar with a great Q and A session! Links mentioned in the talk and About me: I graduated from Tufts University School of Medicine and am board-certified in internal medicine. After developing fibromyalgia in medical school I was able to find integrative treatments that helped me feel much better.In my videos I hope to inspire everyone dealing with #fibromyalgia to remember they are #fibrofierce! Sign for my email newsletter for all things #drginevra and #fibro at
Understanding the Chain Reaction that Causes Fibromyalgia: FibroManual Book Talk #1-