Health of Indigenous peoples in Canada

Health of Indigenous peoples in Canada

Canada's struggle to provide health care to northern communities
Canada's struggle to provide health care to northern communities
Canada is struggling to provide health care to northern communities, according to one doctor who travels monthly to provide his services. Dr. Mike Kirlew says that the level of care his patients in northern communities have access to is not even close to what is available to other Canadians. Welcome to The National, the flagship nightly newscast of CBC News »»» Subscribe to The National to watch more videos here: Voice Your Opinion & Connect With Us Online: The National Updates on Facebook: The National Updates on Twitter: »»» »»» »»» »»» »»» The National is CBC Television's flagship news program. Airing six days a week, the show delivers news, feature documentaries and analysis from some of Canada's leading journalists.
Canada's struggle to provide health care to northern communities
Canada’s Biggest Health Problem: Indigenous Health
Canada’s Biggest Health Problem: Indigenous Health
Alison Reiheld calls attention to André Picard’s assertion that Indigenous health is currently the most urgent issue in Canada.
Canada’s Biggest Health Problem: Indigenous Health
Health of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Health of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Prior to colonization, Indigenous peoples possessed rich and diverse healing systems. Settlers’ introduction of new and contagious diseases placed these heali...
Health of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Express Scripts Canada
Express Scripts Canada
Welcome to Express Scripts Canada. We are a health benefits manager that leverages powerful capabilities to create innovative and effective solutions.
Express Scripts Canada
Indigenous health care in Canada
Indigenous health care in Canada
With respect to health care for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation, the federal, provincial and territorial levels share some degree of jurisdiction. The Canadian health system is a complex patchwork of policies, legislation and relationships. Indigenous Peoples, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis, are included in the per capita allocations of funding from the federal fiscal transfer and are entitled to access insured provincial and territorial health services as residents of a province or territory.
Indigenous health care in Canada
Health Inequalities for Indigenous Peoples - True North Aid
Health Inequalities for Indigenous Peoples - True North Aid
Health Inequalities for Indigenous Peoples SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH Indigenous peoples in Canada represent the fastest growing population in Canada and suffer from some of the biggest health inequalities in Canada.To understand some of these inequalities, we must first under the Social Determinants of health: Socioeconomic status Lifestyle Geographical location Age Gender Colonization Community background […]
Health Inequalities for Indigenous Peoples - True North Aid
Indigenous Populations and Vulnerability. Characterizing Vulnerability in a Sami Context
Indigenous Populations and Vulnerability. Characterizing Vulnerability in a Sami Context
Les peuples indigènes font partie des populations les plus vulnérables à l’heure actuelle. Ils ont en partage l’expérience de la colonisation et ses sévères conséquences. À l’échelle historique, des milliers de cultures indigènes ont cessé d’exister. Cet article analyse les facteurs qui, hier comme aujourd’hui, ont rendu vulnérable un peuple comme les Sami suédois. Jusqu’au début du xxe siècle, les Sami (Lapons) formaient jusqu’à un certain point une population démographiquement vulnérable. La mortalité infantile et enfantine était effrayante, même si la crainte de l’extinction, largement partagée par les scientifiques suédois jusqu’aux années 1940, ne fut jamais trop fondée. Aujourd’hui les Sami ne sont pas aux bords de l’extinction, mais il y a toujours des éléments, fruits des événements historiques, qui contribuent à les rendre plus vulnérables que la majeure partie de la population suédoise. Les Sami ont été réduits du fait de perturbations démographiques, socio-économiques, culturelles et politiques. Nous soutenons l’idée selon laquelle la vulnérabilité passée, présente et future des Sami implique des changements sur de multiples plans : les statistiques, la langue, l’économie traditionnelle, la religion, le déplacement territorial et la mise en réserve, la diversité culturelle, le système éducatif, le refus du droit à l’autodétermination culturelle et politique. Tous ces facteurs jouent un rôle important lorsqu’il s’agit de contextualiser la vulnérabilité indigène, et devraient être pris en compte dans l’étude de cette dernière.
Indigenous Populations and Vulnerability. Characterizing Vulnerability in a Sami Context