Role of Researchers

Role of Researchers

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How is Medical Research Different from Medical Care?
How is Medical Research Different from Medical Care?
This video explores the basic differences between medical research and medical care to help you make the right decision about whether to join a medical research study. Go to for more information about deciding whether to participate in research. While there, download and print a list of potential questions to ask the researchers. -- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) HHS Privacy Policy
How is Medical Research Different from Medical Care?
Understanding relevance of health research: considerations in the context of research impact assessment - Health Research Policy and Systems
Understanding relevance of health research: considerations in the context of research impact assessment - Health Research Policy and Systems
Background With massive investment in health-related research, above and beyond investments in the management and delivery of healthcare and public health services, there has been increasing focus on the impact of health research to explore and explain the consequences of these investments and inform strategic planning. Relevance is reflected by increased attention to the usability and impact of health research, with research funders increasingly engaging in relevance assessment as an input to decision processes. Yet, it is unclear whether relevance is a synonym for or predictor of impact, a necessary condition or stage in achieving it, or a distinct aim of the research enterprise. The main aim of this paper is to improve our understanding of research relevance, with specific objectives to (1) unpack research relevance from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and (2) outline key considerations for its assessment. Approach Our approach involved the scholarly strategy of review and reflection. We prepared a draft paper based on an exploratory review of literature from various fields, and gained from detailed and insightful analysis and critique at a roundtable discussion with a group of key health research stakeholders. We also solicited review and feedback from a small sample of expert reviewers. Conclusions Research relevance seems increasingly important in justifying research investments and guiding strategic research planning. However, consideration of relevance has been largely tacit in the health research community, often depending on unexplained interpretations of value, fit and potential for impact. While research relevance seems a necessary condition for impact – a process or component of efforts to make rigorous research usable – ultimately, relevance stands apart from research impact. Careful and explicit consideration of research relevance is vital to gauge the overall value and impact of a wide range of individual and collective research efforts and investments. To improve understanding, this paper outlines four key considerations, including how research relevance assessments (1) orientate to, capture and compare research versus non-research sources, (2) consider both instrumental versus non-instrumental uses of research, (3) accommodate dynamic temporal-shifting perspectives on research, and (4) align with an intersubjective understanding of relevance.
Understanding relevance of health research: considerations in the context of research impact assessment - Health Research Policy and Systems
The Importance of Health Research
The Importance of Health Research
Health research is necessary in order for doctors and scientists to better understand and improve health. Research plays an important role in learning how to prevent and treat illnesses and has the potential to help improve care for people around the world.
The Importance of Health Research
The importance of medical research | Infiuss Health
The importance of medical research | Infiuss Health
      Every treatment, intervention, medication, way of care, and aftercare in the medical field or health care system came from new discoveries. This high quality of care we are able to experience today was not discovered overnig...
The importance of medical research | Infiuss Health
Why is Research Important?
Why is Research Important?
Getting involved with the clinical research team at the Pennine Acute hospitals trust
Why is Research Important?