Socio-ecological model of Mental Health

Socio-ecological model of Mental Health

What is the socio-ecological model of mental health? [Facts!]
What is the socio-ecological model of mental health? [Facts!]
The "socio-ecological model" (the Ecology of Human Development) was developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner in the late 1970s, as a way to recognize that individuals
The socioecological framework is a multilevel conceptualization of health that includes intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, environmental, and public policy factors
The social ecological model conceptualizes health broadly and focuses on multiple factors that might affect health
four levels: individual, relationship, community, and society.
model be applied at all stages of formative research: development, implementation and evaluation.
What is the socio-ecological model of mental health? [Facts!]
Promoting positive mental health through a socio-ecological approach | Here to Help
Promoting positive mental health through a socio-ecological approach | Here to Help
Author: Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
The World Health Organization has defined it with a more “salutogenic” thrust, as a state of comprehensive physical, mental and social wellbeing that accordingly applies at both a personal and collective level.
For individuals this would, on the mental health front, involve a state in which one “realizes his or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (WHO).
involves characteristic maintenance of positive emotions along with typical ability to function in a positive manner both psychologically (self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose, environmental mastery, autonomy, positive relations) and socially (social acceptance, actualization, contribution, coherence, integration).
Health promotion
has been described as “the process of enabling/empowering individuals and communities to gain control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health”
Promoting positive mental health through a socio-ecological approach | Here to Help
These sections may include children with problems of substance use, conflict with law, women with economically and socially deprived backgrounds, older persons with physical disability. Problems related to poor coping, depression, anxiety are common mental health problems
ecology “as that inter-intra confrontation of biological social and historical; factors that embrace one’s family, school, neighbourhood and the communities that teach values, defenses and offenses the meaning of oneself and one’s existence”
A Visualization of a Socio-Ecological Model for Urban Public Mental Health Approaches
A Visualization of a Socio-Ecological Model for Urban Public Mental Health Approaches
IntroductionAccording to the latest data from the Global Burden of Disease, over 1 billion people globally are affected by mental and addictive disorders, which are causing 19% of all years lived with disability worldwide (1). It is clear that such an extensive issue requires an urgent and committed public health effort. To that end, a range of population-level approaches have emerged, though the frameworks used and adopted vary widely.From Genome to ExposomeIn recent years, a broad social agenda of psychiatric genetic research has emerged highlighting that genes account for a minority of our emotional and behavioural development, leaving the majority determined by social and physical environmental influences (2). Mental health must therefore be considered as a dynamic state, whereby individual psycho-social development is influenced by multiple layers of intersecting social and environmental factors.This starts in the womb with the mental and physical health status of mothers during pregnancy impacting on the developing foetus. The very early years are greatly affected by parental bonding and the home environment. Thereafter factors such as neglect or abuse in childhood; unemployment, poverty and physical health problems in adulthood; and levels of social and community connectedness in later life, all have a part to play in influencing an individual’s ability and opportunity to access mental health protection, such as can be found in positive relationships, quality employ...
minority of our emotional and behavioral development, leaving the majority determined by social and physical environmental influences
health is determined by a multi-dimensional and symbiotic relationship between the individual and the layers of their environment from the family home, through to the wider social and physical environment in which we live, including its cultural and political context.
A Visualization of a Socio-Ecological Model for Urban Public Mental Health Approaches
Mental Health and Well-being Ecological Model | Leadership Education in Maternal & Child Public Health
Mental Health and Well-being Ecological Model | Leadership Education in Maternal & Child Public Health
Promote individual and family solutions to support mental well-being (e.g., self-efficacy)  Learn and teach others to manage stress and cope with adversity Provide health education to support parent-child/caregiver-child relationships Promote social connections – between family, neighbors, employees, etc. Expand youth development in schools Increase skill-based learning to promote adaptability, coping and resilience   Coordinate mental health prevention efforts at the federal, state, and local levels  Support local communities taking an active role in co-creating solutions Increase collaboration between service organizations to strengthen service coverage, access and the referral process for a more integrative, comprehensive approach Leverage the role of service providers to increase natural social support systems  Fund mental health promotion research and community-based supports  Promote equitable resource allocation
Mental Health and Well-being Ecological Model | Leadership Education in Maternal & Child Public Health