guang yu

Design Software & Strategy
The Dawn of Graphic Design in China
Along with the economic boom, graphic design is emerging as an exciting and vigorous profession.
BIPOC Design History
Black Design in America: African Americans and the African Diaspora in Graphic Design, 19th Century–21st Century is the first in a series of BIPOC Centered design history courses facilitated by Polymode. The series revisits and rewrites the course of design history in a way that centers previously marginalized designers, cultural figures —particularly BIPOC and QTPOC people. Through pre-recorded lectures, readings, and live discussions, the class will shed light on moments of oppression and visibility.
Advertising Industry in America was only 1% black in the
Featured workZohra Opoku: Who is Wearing My T-shirt. Waxprint Prison
Featured workDrum: Africa’s Leading Magazine
Featured workYaw Tony: Life Liveth in Me
Digital Editions
Featured work Studio R!ot: My Africa Is
Featured workDiesel: The Daily African
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Featured workOju Africa: Oju Emoticon App
Featured workStephen Hobbs: Extruded Buildings, Be Careful in the Working Radius
Featured projectZimbabwe Institute of Vigital Arts (ZIVA): ZIVA Infographics Poster
Featured Work Kai Krause: The True Size of Africa
Jim Chuchu - All Oppression is Connected (2014)
Wall mural by Jim Chuchu. A visual reminder of the interconnected nature of oppressive ideas and actions which people fall victim to in all parts of the world.
Featured Work Jim Chuchu: All Oppression is Connected
The short life of the equal woman: by Christina Kiaer – Tate Etc
Remembering the work of Russian female artists under Stalin in the 1930s
Embracing Britishness: musings on biscuit lettering culture
It all began two or three years after I moved to the UK when I realised that I was living here in contradiction to my host country and not in harmony with it: (my) life was a cultural fight. It was fr
Type and Gender Stereotypes
Here’s the deal with describing type or lettering as feminine or masculine:This is my simple request. If you already have an inkling about why this might be an issue and think it’s a reaso
Multiscriptual Typesetting
Last month I had the honor of creating the graphics for Designing without Borders, a three-part lecture series hosted by AIGA NY and the TDC. The design process was a collaboration between mysel
W. E. B. Du Bois' staggering Data Visualizations are as powerful today as they were in 1900 (Part…
Made by an all-black team 118 years ago - only 37 years after the end of slavery.
Personal Work
An exploration of daily self-portraiture.
The Creative Independent is a resource of emotional and practical guidance for creative people.
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(1) Black Creatives: Getting Your Foot in The Door And Beyond - YouTube
Trending color palettes - Coolors
Get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes and make something cool!
Young Leaders