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Diggin’ In Podcast – Soil Science Series - Concept AgriTek
Diggin’ In Podcast – Soil Science Series - Concept AgriTek
Diggin’ in with Concept AgriTek is a new conversation for an age-old solution: soil! In this new series of podcasts, we sit down with some of the most engaging thought-leaders in agriculture to explore new research and applications in soil health and productivity. We’re diggin’ in to learn more about the Rhizophagy Cycle, microbiome function, Haney testing and putting those test results to work.
Diggin’ In Podcast – Soil Science Series - Concept AgriTek
Subsoil Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Sustainability and Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Solution Right Under Our Feet?
Subsoil Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Sustainability and Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Solution Right Under Our Feet?
With growing populations and climate change, assuring food and nutrition security is an increasingly challenging task. Climate-smart and sustainable agriculture, that is, conceiving agriculture to be resistant and resilient to a changing climate while keeping it viable in the long term, is probably the best solution. The role of soil biota and particularly arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in this new agriculture is believed to be of paramount importance. However, the large nutrient pools and the microbiota of subsoils are rarely considered in the equation. Here we explore the potential contributions of subsoil AM fungi to a reduced and more efficient fertilization, carbon sequestration, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. We discuss the use of crop rotations and cover cropping with deep rooting mycorrhizal plants, and low-disturbance management, as means of fostering subsoil AM communities. Finally, we suggest future research goals that would allow us to maximize these benefits.
Subsoil Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Sustainability and Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Solution Right Under Our Feet?
Catch Crop Residues Stimulate N2O Emissions During Spring, Without Affecting the Genetic Potential for Nitrite and N2O Reduction
Catch Crop Residues Stimulate N2O Emissions During Spring, Without Affecting the Genetic Potential for Nitrite and N2O Reduction
Agricultural soils are a significant source of anthropogenic nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, because of fertilizer application and decomposition of crop residues. We studied interactions between nitrogen (N) amendments and soil conditions in a 2-year field experiment with or without catch crop incorporation before seeding of spring barley, and with or without application of N in the form of digested liquid manure or mineral N fertilizer. Weather conditions, soil inorganic N dynamics, and N2O emissions were monitored during spring, and soil samples were analyzed for abundances of nitrite reduction (nirK and nirS) and N2O reduction genes (nosZ clade I and II), and structure of nitrite- and N2O-reducing communities. Fertilization significantly enhanced soil mineral N accumulation compared to treatments with catch crop residues as the only N source. Nitrous oxide emissions, in contrast, were stimulated in rotations with catch crop residue incorporation, probably as a result of concurrent net N mineralization, and O2 depletion associated with residue degradation in organic hotspots. Emissions of N2O from digested manure were low in both years, while emissions from mineral N fertilizer were nearly absent in the first year, but comparable to emissions from catch crop residues in the second year with higher precipitation and delayed plant N uptake. Higher gene abundances, as well as shifts in community structure, were also observed in the second year, which were significantly corre...
Catch Crop Residues Stimulate N2O Emissions During Spring, Without Affecting the Genetic Potential for Nitrite and N2O Reduction
Differentiated Mechanisms of Biochar Mitigating Straw-Induced Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Two Contrasting Paddy Soils
Differentiated Mechanisms of Biochar Mitigating Straw-Induced Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Two Contrasting Paddy Soils
Straw returns to the soil is an effective way to improve soil organic carbon and reduce air pollution by straw burning, but this may increase CH4 and N2O emissions risks in paddy soils. Biochar has been used as a soil amendment to improve soil fertility and mitigate CH4 and N2O emissions. However, little is known about their interactive effect on CH4 and N2O emissions and the underlying microbial mechanisms. In this study, a 2-year pot experiment was conducted on two paddy soil types (an acidic Utisol, TY, and an alkaline Inceptisol, BH) to evaluate the influence of straw and biochar applications on CH4 and N2O emissions, and on related microbial functional genes. Results showed that straw addition markedly increased the cumulative CH4 emissions in both soils by 4.7- to 9.1-fold and 23.8- to 72.4-fold at low (S1) and high (S2) straw input rate, respectively, and significantly increased mcrA gene abundance. Biochar amendment under the high straw input (BS2) significantly decreased CH4 emissions by more than 50% in both soils, and increased both mcrA gene and pmoA gene abundances, with greatly enhanced pmoA gene and a decreased mcrA/pmoA gene ratio. Moreover, methanotrophs community changed distinctly in response to straw and biochar amendment in the alkaline BH soil, but showed slight change in the acidic TY soil. Straw had little effect on N2O emissions at low input rate (S1) but significantly increased N2O emissions at the high input rate (S2). Biochar amendment showed in...
Differentiated Mechanisms of Biochar Mitigating Straw-Induced Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Two Contrasting Paddy Soils
Strategies to Maintain Natural Biocontrol of Soil-Borne Crop Diseases During Severe Drought and Rainfall Events
Strategies to Maintain Natural Biocontrol of Soil-Borne Crop Diseases During Severe Drought and Rainfall Events
In many parts of the world, agricultural ecosystems are increasingly exposed to severe drought, and rainfall events due to climate changes. This coincides with a higher vulnerability of crops to soil-borne diseases, which is mostly ascribed to decreased resistance to pathogen attacks. However, loss of the natural capacity of soil microbes to suppress soil-borne plant pathogens may also contribute to increased disease outbreaks. In this perspectives paper, we will discuss the effect of extreme weather events on pathogen-antagonist interactions during drought and rainfall events and upon recovery. We will focus on diseases caused by root-infecting fungi and oomycetes. In addition, we will explore factors that affect restoration of the balance between pathogens and other soil microbes. Finally, we will indicate potential future avenues to improve the resistance and/or recovery of natural biocontrol during, and after water stresses. As such, our perspective paper will highlight a knowledge gap that needs to be bridged to adapt agricultural ecosystems to changing climate scenarios.
Strategies to Maintain Natural Biocontrol of Soil-Borne Crop Diseases During Severe Drought and Rainfall Events
Elevated CO2 and Warming Altered Grassland Microbial Communities in Soil Top-Layers
Elevated CO2 and Warming Altered Grassland Microbial Communities in Soil Top-Layers
As two central issues of global climate change, the continuous increase of both atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global temperature has profound effects on various terrestrial ecosystems. Microbial communities play pivotal roles in these ecosystems by responding to environmental changes through regulation of soil biogeochemical processes. However, little is known about the effect of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and global warming on soil microbial communities, especially in semiarid zones. We used a functional gene array (GeoChip 3.0) to measure the functional gene composition, structure, and metabolic potential of soil microbial communities under warming, eCO2, and eCO2 + warming conditions in a semiarid grassland. The results showed that the composition and structure of microbial communities was dramatically altered by multiple climate factors, including elevated CO2 and increased temperature. Key functional genes, those involved in carbon (C) degradation and fixation, methane metabolism, nitrogen (N) fixation, denitrification and N mineralization, were all stimulated under eCO2, while those genes involved in denitrification and ammonification were inhibited under warming alone. The interaction effects of eCO2 and warming on soil functional processes were similar to eCO2 alone, whereas some genes involved in recalcitrant C degradation showed no significant changes. In addition, canonical correspondence analysis and Mantel test results suggested that NO3-N and moisture significa...
Elevated CO2 and Warming Altered Grassland Microbial Communities in Soil Top-Layers
Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Soil Microbial Communities to Annual Removal of Aboveground Plant Biomass
Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Soil Microbial Communities to Annual Removal of Aboveground Plant Biomass
Clipping, removal of aboveground plant biomass, is an important issue in grassland ecology. However, few studies have focused on the effect of clipping on belowground microbial communities. Using integrated metagenomic technologies, we examined the taxonomic and functional responses of soil microbial communities to annual clipping (2010–2014) in a grassland ecosystem of the Great Plains of North America. Our results indicated that clipping significantly (P 0.05) increased root and microbial respiration rates. Annual temporal variation within the microbial communities was much greater than the significant changes introduced by clipping, but cumulative effects of clipping were still observed in the long-term scale. The abundances of some bacterial and fungal lineages including Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes were significantly (P 0.05) changed by clipping. Clipping significantly (P 0.05) increased the abundances of labile carbon (C) degrading genes. More importantly, the abundances of recalcitrant C degrading genes were consistently and significantly (P 0.05) increased by clipping in the last 2 years, which could accelerate recalcitrant C degradation and weaken long-term soil carbon stability. Furthermore, genes involved in nutrient-cycling processes including nitrogen cycling and phosphorus utilization were also significantly increased by clipping. The shifts of microbial communities were significantly correlated with soil respiration and plant productivity. Intrig...
Taxonomic and Functional Responses of Soil Microbial Communities to Annual Removal of Aboveground Plant Biomass
Response of Nitrifier and Denitrifier Abundance and Microbial Community Structure to Experimental Warming in an Agricultural Ecosystem
Response of Nitrifier and Denitrifier Abundance and Microbial Community Structure to Experimental Warming in an Agricultural Ecosystem
Soil microbial community plays an important role in terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycling. However, the response of the soil nitrifier and denitrifier communities to climate warming is poorly understood. A long-term field warming experiment has been conducted for 8 years at Luancheng Experimental Farm Station on the North China Plain; we used this field to examine how soil microbial community structure, nitrifier, and denitrifier abundance respond to warming under regular irrigation (RI) and high irrigation (HI) at different soil depths (0–5, 5–10, and 10–20 cm). Nitrifier, denitrifier, and the total bacterial abundance were assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction of the functional genes and 16S rRNA gene, respectively. Bacterial community structure was studied through high throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Under RI, warming significantly (P 0.05) increased the potential nitrification rate and nitrate concentration and decreased the soil moisture. In most of the samples, warming increased the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria abundance but decreased the ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and denitrifier (nirK, nirS, and nosZ genes) abundance. Under HI, there was a highly increased AOA and 16S rRNA gene abundance and a slightly higher denitrifier abundance compared with RI. Warming decreased the bacterial diversity and species richness, and the microbial community structure differed greatly between the warmed and control plots. The decrease in bacterial diver...
Response of Nitrifier and Denitrifier Abundance and Microbial Community Structure to Experimental Warming in an Agricultural Ecosystem
Editorial: Role of Microbes in Climate Smart Agriculture
Editorial: Role of Microbes in Climate Smart Agriculture
Soil microbes play an essential role in virtually all ecosystem processes, such that microbial abundance and activity determines the sustainable productivity of agricultural lands, ecosystem resilience against nutrient mining, degradation of soil and water resources, and GHG emissions (Wagg et al., 2014). Their activity is directly affected by changes in the environment. In this context, climate change is a relevant factor, with the potential to affect the role of microbes in the soil, which is vital to support agriculture worldwide. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach that can help to reduce these impacts. CSA is an integrative approach to develop agricultural strategies for sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, adapting and building resilience of agricultural and food security systems, and reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions under climate change scenarios (Lipper et al., 2014; Paustian et al., 2016). In this Research Topic, we aimed to provide the reader with a selection of studies to highlight novel experimental concepts such as process-oriented omics approaches with state-of-the-art technological advances in agricultural science to better understand how consequences of climate change such as elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCO2), temperature, and drought affect soil microbes and associated ecosystem processes. In addition, the role of microbes in agricultural management that contribute to climate change adaptation, GHG mitigati...
Editorial: Role of Microbes in Climate Smart Agriculture
Scalable Regenerative Agriculture | MyLand
Scalable Regenerative Agriculture | MyLand
At MyLand we use live, native microalgae to rapidly improve soil health. Through our technology, MyLand helps tackle two of the world’s biggest challenges: food security and climate disruption. We help growers create a healthier planet from the ground up — making our food more abundant and nutritious.
Scalable Regenerative Agriculture | MyLand
Make A Difference
Make A Difference
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Data driven forestry. Better data, better decisions.
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Who We Are - TomKat Ranch
Who We Are - TomKat Ranch
TomKat Ranch is an 1,800 acre grassfed cattle ranch in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our team of ranchers, scientists, and advocates look to nature to guide our landscape management in support of our values.
Who We Are - TomKat Ranch
Reimagining Soil as a Service | MyLand
Reimagining Soil as a Service | MyLand
December 4, 2022 - MyLand Company, Inc. (“MyLand”), a soil health company, Principal Scientist / Research Director, Dr. Kris Nichols recently hosted Dr. James White, Rutgers University, in a World Soil Day tribute webinar entitled, “Soil as a Service". If you’ve watched Kiss the Ground, a documentary that delves into the solutions the soil holds for the future of our planet, you’re undoubtedly familiar with Dr. Kris Nichols.
Reimagining Soil as a Service | MyLand