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Master The Hip Hinge: The foundation for kettlebell swings, deadlifts, cleans, and more. (Kettlebell Training Book 1) from Cavemantraining
Master The Hip Hinge: The foundation for kettlebell swings, deadlifts, cleans, and more. (Kettlebell Training Book 1) from Cavemantraining
Whether you're a personal trainer wanting to get a deeper understanding of the hip hinge and be able to explain it properly to your clients, or whether you're wanting to start swinging a kettlebell, deadlift weights or perform bent-over rows, this book is for you. The hip hinge is a fundamental movement in exercise. It is vital because knowing and performing it correctly will prevent injury and will allow you to work a large portion of the posterior chain muscles with one movement. Also, a lot of important exercises׳uch as the kettlebell swing, the traditional deadlift, bent-over row and many moreפepend on this movement. This book will cover every intricate detail of the hip hinge movement, explained and broken down in such a way that everyone can understand it; it's basic but at the same time advanced.
Master The Hip Hinge: The foundation for kettlebell swings, deadlifts, cleans, and more. (Kettlebell Training Book 1) from Cavemantraining