Middle East 1948 - 1973

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50 Years On: Explaining the Yom Kippur War
50 Years On: Explaining the Yom Kippur War
A surprise attack on Israeli territory by Arab coalition forces on October 6, 1973, began the final and bloodiest conflict of the Arab-Israeli wars.
50 Years On: Explaining the Yom Kippur War
Why did the United Arab Republic Fail? | Egyptian Streets
Why did the United Arab Republic Fail? | Egyptian Streets
An era characterised with an air of revolutionary tension, the 1950s through the 1970s, led to ingrained change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). T
Why did the United Arab Republic Fail? | Egyptian Streets
Why Was The Suez Crisis So Important?
Why Was The Suez Crisis So Important?
Why Was The Suez Crisis So Important? A look at the history of the Suez Canal, it's importance and the political tension that surrounded it
Why Was The Suez Crisis So Important?
1956: Suez and the end of empire
1956: Suez and the end of empire
In the decade after the second world war, as Britain struggled to square its diminishing empire with belt-tightening measures at home, it found time to get involved in a war in Egypt.
1956: Suez and the end of empire