An Enduring Peace: 25 Years After the Camp David Accords
Arafat Destroyed the Dream of Oslo For Palestinians
In 1993, Gaza and the West Bank wanted to establish a democratic state through the Oslo Accords, while Tunis PLO officials imposed the old Arab regimes' model.
Will Hezbollah’s election setback change anything in Lebanon? | CNN
Iran-backed Hezbollah lost its parliamentary edge in a high-stakes election last weekend. For Lebanon, this could mean everything, or nothing at all.
Hezbollah: History, Organization, and Ideology
Hezbollah is designated as a terrorist group by the US and several other countries. Learn about its origins, organization, and activities.
How has the Syrian civil war affected Hezbollah, and what should the U.S. do?
The media focus on the Islamic State has taken the spotlight off another powerful Middle East rebel and terrorist group that also controls territory and acts like a state:
History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
Camp david