Israel and Its Neighbors
Middle East 500 BC - 1948 AD
The Arab Israeli Conflict - part 3 : 1948 war
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948
British mandate for palestine
Dividing the Middle East - Drawing Lines - Extra History - Part 3
The Sykes Picot agreement
How The Modern Middle East Was Created | History Documentary
400 years of peace: Palestine under Ottoman rule
The Middle East and the British Empire
Excellent resources for understanding British strategic interests in the ME
Dividing the Middle East - The Arab Revolt - Extra History - Part 2
📜 So long as the British promise to help establish an Arab kingdom. A promise they definitely intend to keep. Right???
Dividing the Middle East - The Great Loot - Extra History - Part 1
Men in drawing rooms deciding the fate of peoples they did not understand, and in some cases, lands they had never visited.
The rise of the Ottoman Empire - Mostafa Minawi
Explore the early days of the Ottoman Empire, as shrewd political rulers grew the principality into an intercontinental empire.
History of the Middle East
The Middle East is a region with a rich and complex history.