About Those Plummeting Fertility Rates
PRB's 2024 World Population Data Sheet
DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population
Population bomb, bust – or boon? New UNFPA report debunks 8 myths about a world of 8 billion
Data Sheets
Why China's population is shrinking
Population Paradox: Are Declining Birth Rates Good or Bad for the World?
Economics Influence Fertility Rates, Says MU Anthropologist
World Population by Country 2024 (Live)
The Future of Family Planning in Africa
The Challenges of High Fertility, Rapidly Growing Populations
Visualizing World Birth and Death Rates
"Life Expectancy" – What does this actually mean?
Global Population 2024 (Past, Present & Future)
Distilled Demographics: Population Projections
How Populations Grow and Change: Crash Course Geography #33
Population momentum: If the number of children per woman is falling, why is the population still increasing?
Population pyramids: Powerful predictors of the future - Kim Preshoff
Factors that affect population size and growth - Economics Help
New PRB Analysis Offers Insights as India’s Population Surpasses China's, Notes Overlooked Rise of Sub-Saharan Africa
China Demographics 2023 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends) - Worldometer
Why China got population control wrong; India got it right