Accessibility is a holistic practice that touches every aspect of creating a digital experience. This means it is also a backend web development consideration…
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes
When it comes to disability, a lot of ableist language and tropes are perpetuated by the media. Here's what experts have to say about how to talk about disability.
An Accessibility-First Approach To Chart Visual Design — Smashing Magazine
In this article, we will explore how an accessibility-first approach can lead you down the path of creating a better visual design for charts. Throughout the article, you’ll learn to use the Web Content Accessibility Standards and how this approach leadd to an unexpected yet better outcome for everyone.
For Marcy, accessibility is personal and essential. So she’s on a mission to inspire others to follow in her footsteps to prioritize and normalize it.
Get the full story on The ReadME Project:
A Guide to Writing About Digital Accessibility | Deque
Global Accessibility Awareness Day is coming up. If you’re writing about accessibility, these tips will help you cover this topic in a careful, empathetic and ethical way.
Décret n° 2019-768 du 24 juillet 2019 relatif à l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées des services de communication au public en ligne - Légifrance
Décret n° 2019-768 du 24 juillet 2019 relatif à l'accessibilité aux personnes handicapées des services de communication ...
Observatoire du respect des obligations d’accessibilité numérique - Ce que les sites nous disent de leur accessibilité
Une étude d'ampleur sur l'état de la connaissance des obligations légales en matière d'accessibilité numérique par les organismes qui y sont soumis, par la Fédération des Aveugles de France.
L'accessibilité des sites français en un coup d'oeil - Temesis
Ostendo est une extension navigateur qui permet d’afficher, dans vos résultats de recherches Google, le niveau de conformité au RGAA des sites français.
Les sites concernés par le RGAA sont …
Dyslexia friendly style guide - British Dyslexia Association
This Style Guide provides principles that can help ensure that written material considers the difficulties experienced by some dyslexic people and allows…