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Handicap : le contrat social invalide - #DATAGUEULE 97 - YouTube
Handicap : le contrat social invalide - #DATAGUEULE 97 - YouTube
Désavantage souvent naturel, infériorité qu'on doit supporter » En 2020, la définition du Larousse fait encore croire que le handicap est une réalité médicale, une évidence naturelle, une observation dénuée de tout contexte. Et pourtant, si le mot handicapé peut correspondre à la fois à une personne sur une chaise roulante, un sourd, un dyslexique ou même un "débile léger" - pour reprendre une catégorie médico-administrative - c'est bien qu'il désigne d'abord d'un phénomène social. Le handicap dit surtout le regard d'un groupe social se considérant "valide" sur un autre qu'il estime "invali...
Handicap : le contrat social invalide - #DATAGUEULE 97 - YouTube
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OUR MISSION It is the mission of to promote email marketing accessibility and usability. In that be the voice of users and the email marketing community. For years the...
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WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
This document provides readers with an understanding of how to use WAI-ARIA 1.1 [WAI-ARIA] to create accessible rich internet applications. It describes considerations that might not be evident to most authors from the WAI-ARIA specification alone and recommends approaches to make widgets, navigation, and behaviors accessible using WAI-ARIA roles, states, and properties. This document is directed primarily to Web application developers, but the guidance is also useful for user agent and assistive technology developers.
WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1
Alt-Text as Poetry
Alt-Text as Poetry
Alt-text is an essential part of web accessibility. It is often overlooked altogether or understood through the lens of compliance, as an unwelcome burden to be met with minimum effort. How can we instead approach alt-text thoughtfully and creatively?
Alt-Text as Poetry
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
J'ai décidé de partager avec vous aujourd'hui toutes les ressources, conseils et outils que j'utilise régulièrement pour construire et vérifier l'accessibilité des couleurs des produits et services que je design.
Accessibilité et couleurs : outils et ressources pour concevoir des produits accessible - par Stéphanie Walter, UX designer et experte mobile
Welcome to the Mozilla Accessibility Blog
Welcome to the Mozilla Accessibility Blog
Welcome to the Mozilla Accessibility Blog. We are the Firefox Accessibility Team and we're here to ensure that Mozilla products and services are accessible and delightful for people with disabilities. ...
Welcome to the Mozilla Accessibility Blog
Accessibility 101 for Content Creators
Accessibility 101 for Content Creators
A perfectly coded website will still break down if the content isn’t written and built accessibly. This article is intended to give a no-coding-required breakdown of how to make accessible co…
Accessibility 101 for Content Creators
Intégratrice web
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
An accessible PDF is a PDF document that can be read and accessed by people with disabilities, primarily for the vision-impaired that may use assistive technology to read the file through text-to-speech or a Braille printout. A PDF document is considered accessible only if it meets a set of accessibility guidelines.
What's the Difference Between PDF and Accessible PDF? | PDF Accessibility and Compliance
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |
Accessibility is the practice of ensuring websites are equally available to people with disabilities so they have equal access to the goods and services those sites provide. It’s an integral part of professional web design and development. Why Should You Care About Accessibility? There are many reasons why developers, designers, and their employers/ clients should […]
Website Accessibility Checklist (15 Things You Can Improve) |